What is the difference between Echo and reflection?

What is the difference between Echo and reflection?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the difference between Echo and reflection?

An echo is a single reflection of a soundwave off a distance surface. Reverberation is the reflection of sound waves created by the superposition of such echoes. An echo can only be heard by humans when the distance between the source of the sound and the reflecting body is more than 50 feet in distance.

Q. What are the conditions required for echo?

The necessary conditions required to hear an echo are: There needs to be a minimum distance between the observer and the obstacle and that is equal to 17 m in the air. This distance may vary from medium to medium depending upon the sound’s speed in that particular medium.

Q. What are the two conditions required for an echo to be heard clearly?

The conditions necessary for hearing the echo: The distance between the sound source and the reflecting surface must not be less than 17 metres where the time period between hearing the original sound and its echo should not be less than 0.1 of a second .

Q. What is Echo Byjus?

Echo: The echo is used by bats and dolphins to detect obstacles or to navigate.

Q. What is reverberation How can it be reduced Class 9?

Persistence of sound (after the source stops producing sound) due to the repeated reflection is called reverberation. Reverberation can be reduced by absorbing the sound using some materials as it reaches the wall and ceiling of the room and thus prevent the sound from getting reflected.

Q. How do you control reverberation in a hall?

(i) By covering the walls and roof of the auditorium with sound absorbent materials like compressed fireboard, rough plaster, etc. (ii) Providing open windows in the space. (iii) Providing heavy curtains with folds, so that the sound gets absorbed. (iv) By using good sound absorbing materials for the seats.

Q. What is reverberation How can it reproduce?

A reverberation, or reverb, is created when a sound or signal is reflected causing numerous reflections to build up and then decay as the sound is absorbed by the surfaces of objects in the space – which could include furniture, people, and air.

Q. How is sound produced in our voice box?

Sound is produced when the air which passes through the vocal cords causes them to vibrate and create sound waves in the pharynx, nose and mouth. The pitch of sound is determined by the amount of tension on the vocal folds.

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