What is the Direxion Daily FTSE China Bear 3X Shares?

What is the Direxion Daily FTSE China Bear 3X Shares?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the Direxion Daily FTSE China Bear 3X Shares?

Q. What is the Direxion Daily FTSE China Bear 3X Shares?

The Direxion Daily FTSE China Bull (YINN) and Bear (YANG) 3X Shares seek daily investment results, before fees and expenses, of 300%, or 300% of the inverse (or opposite), of the performance of the FTSE China 50 Index. There is no guarantee the funds will meet their stated investment objectives.

Q. Is YINN a good ETF?

This ETF offers 3x daily long leverage to FTSE China 50 Index, making it a powerful tool for investors with a bullish short-term outlook for China large cap stocks. Investors should note that YINN’s leverage resets on a daily basis, which results in compounding of returns when held for multiple periods.

Q. What does Yang ETF Track?

YANG Fund Description YANG provides daily 3x inverse leveraged exposure to a market-cap-weighted index of the 50 largest Chinese stocks traded in Hong Kong.

Q. What is Chad stock?

The Direxion Daily CSI 300 China A Share Bear 1X Shares seeks daily investment results, before fees and expenses, of 100% of the inverse of the performance of the CSI 300 Index.

Q. Where is direxion based?

For Direxion Funds

Via Regular MailVia Overnight Delivery
Direxion Funds c/o US Bancorp Mutual Fund Services PO Box 0701 Milwaukee, WI 53201-0701Direxion Funds c/o US Bancorp Mutual Fund Services PO Box 0701 Milwaukee, WI 53201-0701

Q. What type of company is direxion?


FormerlyPotomac Funds
Founded1997 in Alexandria, Virginia, United States
ProductsLeveraged, inverse, and thematic exchange-traded funds

Q. What are 3x long shares?

Leveraged 3X ETFs are funds that track a wide variety of asset classes, such as stocks, bonds and commodity futures, and apply leverage in order to gain three times the daily or monthly return of the respective underlying index. Such ETFs come in the long and short varieties.

Q. How do I invest in direxion?

All purchases must be made in U.S. dollars through a U.S. bank….Direct with Direxion Funds

  1. Complete and sign your Account Application. Forms and Applications.
  2. Indicate the Fund and the amount you wish to invest.
  3. Mail your check (payable to Direxion Funds) along with the completed Account Application to:
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What is the Direxion Daily FTSE China Bear 3X Shares?.
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