What is the formula for calculating a conversion factor to scale a recipe?

What is the formula for calculating a conversion factor to scale a recipe?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the formula for calculating a conversion factor to scale a recipe?

Q. What is the formula for calculating a conversion factor to scale a recipe?

Determine the required yield of the recipe by multiplying the new number of portions and the new size of each portion. Find the conversion factor by dividing the required yield (Step 2) by the recipe yield (Step 1). That is, conversion factor = (required yield)/(recipe yield).

Q. Is 12 fluid ounces the same as 12 ounces?

Since fluid ounces and ounces are measuring such very different things, they are rarely the same for most ingredients. So no, fluid ounces and ounces should not be used interchangeably.

Q. How many cups is 12.5 oz of flour?


Q. How much does 2 cups of all purpose flour weigh?

For best results, we recommend weighing your ingredients with a digital scale. A cup of all-purpose flour weighs 4 1/4 ounces or 120 grams. This chart is a quick reference for volume, ounces, and grams equivalencies for common ingredients.

Q. What is 2 cups of plain flour in grams?

Bread Flour

1/4 cup34 g1.2 oz
1/3 cup45 g1.6 oz
1/2 cup68 g2.4 oz
1 cup136 g4.8 oz

Q. How much does 1.5 cups of granulated sugar weigh?

10.58 Ounces

Q. Does caster sugar and granulated sugar weigh the same?

If you measure your ingredients by weight/mass, there is no difference when using caster sugar and granulated sugar as in internal ingredient. Because it is more coarse, a tablespoon of granulated sugar will have slightly less mass that a tablespoon of caster sugar.

Q. What will happen if I use granulated sugar instead of caster?

Can I substitute granulated sugar for caster sugar? Your cakes will still hold up if you use granulated sugar as both the flavour and water content are the same. Caster sugar, however, is much finer and dissolves much easier than granulated sugar which is coarser in texture.

Q. What can I use as a substitute for caster sugar?

Substitute for Caster Sugar

  • The best substitute for golden caster sugar is dark brown sugar and muscovado sugar. Both dark brown sugar and muscovado sugar gives intense flavor to the dish that it is added to.
  • Another viable substitute for caster sugar is powdered sugar.

Q. What’s the difference between caster sugar and regular sugar?

The only difference between caster sugar and granulated sugar is their texture. Caster sugar has more finely ground crystals than granulated sugar, which means it dissolves faster than granulated sugar in creamed mixtures and whips.

Q. Can I substitute brown sugar for caster sugar?

A: Yes, you can, but you’ll need to melt it first and then incorporate it a bit at a time to the rest of your batter/ingredients until you have the right consistency. Don’t add it all at once as it might make the batter too wet.

Q. Can you use granulated sugar instead of caster sugar in meringues?

Any type of sugar can be used to make meringues. The most common are granulated sugar and castor sugar. Both give a traditional meringue, granulated sugar giving a slightly grainier texture as it dissolves more slowly, and may need a bit of extra beating to break up the grains.

Q. Is caster sugar the same as white sugar?

White sugar is refined sugar. The caster sugar is much like a powder when compared to white sugar. Caster sugar dissolves more quickly than White sugar because of its fine nature. Caster sugar is also light, which makes it ideal for whipped desserts, sorbets, cakes, custards and cookies.

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What is the formula for calculating a conversion factor to scale a recipe?.
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