What is the height H of the iceberg above the sea water?

What is the height H of the iceberg above the sea water?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the height H of the iceberg above the sea water?

100 metres

Q. What fraction of an iceberg of density 910 kg/m 3 will be above the surface of sea water of density 1170 kg/m 3?

Solution. ⇒ 2 9 th part of iceberg is above the sea water.

Q. What is the fraction of volume of ice seen outside when immersed in water?


Q. What fraction of an iceberg would be above water?


Q. What percentage of an iceberg is below the water?

Ninety percent

Q. Why is most of the iceberg underwater?

Density also explains why most of an iceberg is found beneath the ocean’s surface. Because the densities of ice and sea water are so close in value, the ice floats “low” in the water. This means that ice has nine-tenths, or 90 percent of water’s density – and so 90 percent of the iceberg is below the water’s surface.

Q. Where is Largest Iceberg found?

After A-68a’s spectacular breakup, another iceberg, farther south in Antarctica’s Weddell Sea, is now the world’s largest at 1,500 square miles (4,000 square km), according to ESA.

Q. Where is the world’s largest iceberg located?


Q. How big was the iceberg that broke off Antarctica?

1,270 square kilometers

Q. How big was the piece of ice that broke off?

about 490 square miles

Q. Where is the ice shelf that broke off?

Q. How big was the ice shelf that broke off?

490 square miles

Q. What happens if Antarctic ice shelf breaks?

If an ice shelf collapses, the backpressure disappears. The glaciers that fed into the ice shelf speed up, flowing more quickly out to sea. Glaciers and ice sheets rest on land, so once they flow into the ocean, they contribute to sea level rise.

Q. What does the iceberg breaking off mean?

Ice calving, also known as glacier calving or iceberg calving, is the breaking of ice chunks from the edge of a glacier. It is a form of ice ablation or ice disruption. It is the sudden release and breaking away of a mass of ice from a glacier, iceberg, ice front, ice shelf, or crevasse.

Q. Where is the d28 iceberg now?

The iceberg was previously Earth’s biggest iceberg, but is now second-biggest. It’s apparently still moving toward South Georgia Island, a remote, mostly uninhabited island in the South Atlantic, populated by seals and penguins.

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What is the height H of the iceberg above the sea water?.
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