What is the Jagex support email?

What is the Jagex support email?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the Jagex support email?

Always check the sender’s email address as phishing emails will not be from an official Jagex account. Here’s a list of official Jagex emails: @jagex.com. @support.jagex.com.

Q. How can I send a message to Jagex?

You can send them a ticket through the website (if you do this, expect a reply to your message box on runescape.com). They usually reply to tweets pretty fast.

Q. What email does Jagex use?

While e-mails from Jagex will always are one of the following addresses “@jagex.com”, ” “@support.jagex.com”, “@email.runescape.com”, “@a.jagex.com”, “@a.runescape.com”, “@e.runescape.com” or “@runescape.zendesk.com” looking for the sender is often not enough as these senders can be faked easily.

Q. Where is jagex located?

Cambridge Science Park

Q. Is HDOS safe?

Since our first initial testing and along with our 400+ beta testers, and over 8000+ of hours and months of being closed beta, there has been no bans so far. It is safe to assume the client is safe as we know it. What is HDOS? A free to use third-party client.

Q. Will Osrs get HD?

The Ultra HD version that Totty is also working on would completely change the way we play Old School Runescape forever. This version has incredible new and updated textures that look light years ahead of the current textures in the game.

Q. Who bought Jagex 2020?

The Carlyle Group

Q. Can you make real money from RuneScape?

Getting real life money from RuneScape game is called Real World Trading and it’s against the rules, which may end up with getting your account permanently banned for breaking the rules. He will sent you real life money to your bank account, paypal or any your personal bank account.

Q. How does Jagex make money?

A bond costs roughly the same amount of money as a month’s membership if I remember correctly, and they only grant 2 weeks of membership; therefore, by you purchasing bonds from the grand exchange, Jagex actually yields twice the profit for that month of membership than they otherwise would by you purchasing it …

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What is the Jagex support email?.
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