What is the life expectancy in Fiji 2019? – Internet Guides
What is the life expectancy in Fiji 2019?

What is the life expectancy in Fiji 2019?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the life expectancy in Fiji 2019?

67.40 years

Q. Why do people die in Fiji?

Diseases, lack of medicine and poverty are the main reasons why Fijians do not live longer. Noncommunicable diseases accounted for 84 percent of these deaths.

Q. What is the leading cause of death in Fiji?

In 2015, the leading causes of death in Fiji were diabetes (19.7%), ischaemic diseases (16.6%) and hypertensive diseases (4.8%). The leading causes of morbidity were diseases of the circulatory system and respiratory system and certain infectious and parasitic diseases.

Q. What is the infant mortality rate in Fiji?

about 21.7 deaths per 1,000 live births

Q. What religions are in Fiji?

Almost all indigenous Fijians are Christian, mostly Methodist. Most Indians are Hindu, though a significant minority are Muslim. About one-tenth of the population is Roman Catholic, and there is a small Assemblies of God community.

Q. Is Fiji a developing country?

Fiji is described as middle-income country and one of the more developed of the Pacific island economies, although it remains a developing country with a large subsistence agriculture sector.

Q. Who has the lowest minimum wage in the world?

Cuba is the country with the world’s lowest minimum wage. On a monthly basis, an employee in Cuba receives the minimum wage of 225 Cuban pesos –equivalent to $9.

Q. What is the world’s lowest paying job?

25 of the Lowest Paying Jobs

  • Parking Lot Attendants.
  • Waiters and Waitresses.
  • Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners.
  • Automotive and Watercraft Service Attendants.
  • Nonfarm Animal Caretakers.
  • Manicurists and Pedicurists.
  • Graders and Sorters of Agricultural Products.
  • Hand Packers and Packagers.

Q. Which country has the lowest salary?

Top 20 countries with the lowest wages

  1. Cuba. 32.20 USD.
  2. Mauritania. 66.92 USD.
  3. Congo. 99.07 USD.
  4. Tajikistan. 103.57 USD.
  5. Ethiopia. 132.22 USD.
  6. Senegal. 156.23 USD.
  7. Indonesia. 210.75 USD.
  8. Kyrgyzstan. 212.15 USD.

Q. What is the average salary in world?

India, with the average wage of Rs 32,800, outranked countries such as Kazakhstan (Rs 32,700), Brazil (Rs 26,000), or Egypt (Rs 16,400), the report said. Picodi.com analysis team looked into earnings in countries around the world and created a global ranking of average wages.

Q. Which is the best country to live and earn?

Best countries in the world to live and work

RankCountryAverage Monthly Salary
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What is the life expectancy in Fiji 2019?.
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