What is the mental health care continuum?

What is the mental health care continuum?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the mental health care continuum?

The mental health continuum is a range having mental health and mental illness at the two extreme ends. Depending on the internal and external faculties of a person at any time, he can lie at one point of the continuum and shift position as his situation improves or deteriorates.

Q. What is an example of Continuum?

A continuum is something that keeps on going, changing slowly over time, like the continuum of the four seasons. For example, in a high school, at any time, there are students who are learning algebra, then advancing to geometry, trigonometry, and calculus.

Q. What is the continuum of health?

Continuum of care is a concept involving an integrated system of care that guides and tracks patient over time through a comprehensive array of health services spanning all levels of intensity of care.

Q. What are the seven basic categories of continuum services?

A continuum of care comprises services and integrating mechanisms. The services can be broken into seven basic categories: extended care, acute hospital care, ambulatory care, home care, outreach, wellness, and housing.

Q. What are the five activities in the care continuum?

In healthcare, the continuum of care is now being used to describe how healthcare providers follow a patient from preventive care, through medical incidents, rehabilitation, and maintenance. Depending on the patient, this might involve the use of acute care hospitals, ambulatory care, or long-term care facilities.

Q. What is the continuum of chronic disease?

A continuum of chronic disease prevention and care interventions corresponds to different population groupsˆpeople without disease, those at risk of disease, and people currently coping with chronic disease. Most importantly, a number of the major chronic diseases can be prevented or their onset delayed.

Q. What is the health continuum endpoints?

The health continuum is s scale where you measure your health. The endpoints are Premature Death and High level of health.

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