What is the opposite of kinship?

What is the opposite of kinship?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the opposite of kinship?

Opposite of having a connection by blood or marriage. unfamiliarity. unknownness. disaffiliation.

Q. How does kinship affect society?

All societies use kinship as a basis for forming social groups and for classifying people. Kinship also provides a means for transmitting status and property from generation to generation. It is not a mere coincidence that inheritance rights usually are based on the closeness of kinship links.

Q. How does kinship become one of the most important organizing components of the society?

“Kinship is one of the most important organizing components of society. This social institution ties individuals and groups together and establishes a relationship among them.” For instance, if two people have many similarities between them then both of them do have a bond of kinship.”

Q. What is a antonym of kinship?

Antonyms of KINSHIP incongruousness, variance, variability, incompatibility, Incongruence, incongruity.

Q. What part of speech is kinship?


part of speech:noun
related words:affinity, analogy, association, blood, camaraderie, liaison
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Q. Where does the word kinship come from?

kinship (n.) by 1764, from kin + -ship. Relationship covers the same sense but is a hybrid.

Q. What are Affinal and Consanguineal kinship?

Consanguineal kin (or consanguines) are relatives related “by blood” (to use the common but inaccurate English term), meaning those people with whom you share known common ancestors, however distant. Affinal kin, or affines, are relatives by marriage or your in-laws; if the marriage ends, they are no longer affines.

Q. What is a Affinal kinship?

Affinal kin are individuals who are related to you by marriage. Although they are considered to be members of your family, the kinship tie can be broken if the marriage dissolves, rendering you no longer related to the individual in question.

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