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What is the opposite word of forget?

What is the opposite word of forget?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the opposite word of forget?

Antonym of Forget

Q. What is the opposite of enemy?

Antonym of Enemy

EnemyAlly, Friend
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

Q. What is the opposite of visible?

visible. Antonyms: imperceptible, nonapparent, inconspicuous, impalpable, microscopic, invisible, inobservable, concealed, eclipsed, withdrawn, indiscernible, indistinguishable. Synonyms: perceptible, apparent, clear, plain, obvious, conspicuous, observable, discernible, palpable, manifest, distinguishable, evident.

Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

Q. Which word has almost the same meaning as visible?

SYNONYMS. perceptible, perceivable, seeable, observable, noticeable, easily seen, detectable, discernible, recognizable, in view, in sight, on view, on display.

Q. What’s another word for noticeable?

Some common synonyms of noticeable are conspicuous, outstanding, prominent, remarkable, salient, and striking. While all these words mean “attracting notice or attention,” noticeable applies to something unlikely to escape observation.

Q. What can be visible?

The human eye can only see visible light, but light comes in many other “colors”—radio, infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma-ray—that are invisible to the naked eye. On the other end of the spectrum there is X-ray light, which is too blue for humans to see.

Q. What does clearly visible mean?

adjective. If something is visible, it can be seen. The warning lights were clearly visible. Synonyms: perceptible, noticeable, observable, clear More Synonyms of visible.

Q. What does highly visible mean?

b(1) : conspicuous has played a highly visible role in the negotiations. (2) : well-known a highly visible politician. 3 : capable of being discovered or perceived : recognizable no visible means of support. 4 : accessible sense 2 visible resources.

Q. What does not visible mean?

adjective. not visible; not perceptible by the eye: invisible fluid. withdrawn from or out of sight; hidden: an invisible seam. not perceptible or discernible by the mind: invisible differences.

Q. What is the meaning of visible and invisible?

If you describe something as visible, you are saying you can see it. Certain things are not visible to the naked eye, but that doesn’t mean they are invisible, you may just need a microscope or telescope to see them. The adjective visible also means obvious to the eye.

Q. Who is invisible in our society?

Social invisibility refers to a group of people in the society who have been separated or systematically ignored by the majority of the public. As a result, those who are marginalized feel neglected or being invisible in the society.

Q. What is invisible technology?

“Invisible technology” isn’t a technology per se, but a use case for using technology without realizing you are using it. In home automation, for example, when you set up your home so the lights come on when you walk into a room or the door unlocks when you walk up to it, you’re experiencing invisible technology.

Q. Can Invisibility be possible?

The good news is that the new research confirms that invisibility is indeed possible. These facts combine to mean that while we can make something like an antennae or military radar invisible to radio waves, it is nearly impossible to cloak something the size of Harry Potter from the naked eye.

Q. Is there invisible technology?

Scientists have devised materials that bend light around an object, effectively causing it to disappear. They’ve used cameras to record and project images of what’s behind an object onto the object’s surface, making it appear like it’s not even there. These technologies are far from perfect.

Q. Is there cloaking technology?

Researchers at the National Institute of Scientific Research in Montreal, Canada, have developed spectral cloaking, which harnesses the various frequencies of visible light. The new technology was designed to address the limitations set by earlier cloaking techniques.

Q. Is Invisible Man based on a true story?

Make no mistake — “The Invisible Man” is a true story. When one considers its source material, an 1897 novel by H.G. Wells, this sounds like a wild claim. This gives the movie’s already well-made scares a core of indelible truth, making the story feel truly real.

Q. How can I be invisible in public?

You don’t need to take invisibility pills to become invisible….Technique

  1. Establish a distinct visual feature that sets you aside from other people.
  2. Display that distinct feature with extreme consistency.
  3. Remove that feature when you don’t want to be recognized.

Q. Where do you hide yourself?

The best hiding spots are those that keep you completely covered, like behind the couch, under a pile of clothes, or inside a cabinet or similar space. Once you’ve got the perfect place of concealment picked out, be silent, keep still, and make yourself as small as possible to stay invisible and avoid detection.

Q. How can I be invisible in school?


  1. Dress the part.
  2. Avoid attracting attention in the classroom.
  3. Find friends who share your interests.
  4. Don’t get into trouble or hang around with trouble makers.
  5. Avoid going to parties that are held by the most popular groups in school.
  6. Go to parties of your friends, and people you usually hang around with.

Q. How can I be invisible on Whatsapp?

In the Account page, find and select “Privacy.” Tap “Last Seen” to change your online status. You have two options to hide your online or “Last Seen” status — you can choose for only “My Contacts” to see your status or for “Nobody” to see your status.

Q. How do you hide in plain sight?

Apply camouflage. If you’re in a natural setting, wearing camouflage gear will allow you to blend in with your environment. While the use of camouflage is only helpful when you’re trying to hide from a distance, it’s the best-known way of truly hiding in plain sight.

Q. Where can I hide large amounts of cash?

Where should you store large amounts of cash?

  • A hidden safe securely bolted to the wall or in a slab.
  • In a hole in your yard.
  • Inside a sock or an article of clothing kept in a drawer with similar items.
  • Taped in an envelope under the cat’s litter box.
  • Taped in an envelope under a low shelf in the kitchen or bathroom.
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What is the opposite word of forget?.
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