What is the other name for sleeping volcano?

What is the other name for sleeping volcano?

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Q. What is the other name for sleeping volcano?

Dormant volcanos are the volcanoes that are quiet, but might possibly erupt again.

Q. What are synonyms for volcano?

Synonyms for volcano vɒlˈkeɪ noʊ

  • vent, volcano(noun) a fissure in the earth’s crust (or in the surface of some other planet) through which molten lava and gases erupt. Synonyms: vent, release, outlet, blowhole, vent-hole, venthole.
  • volcano(noun) a mountain formed by volcanic material. Synonyms: vent.

Q. What’s another word for volcanic eruption?

What is another word for volcanic eruption?

pyroclastic floweruption
volcanic ashvolcanic matter

Q. What is the best synonym for Vermiform?

Other synonyms:

  • appendage,
  • sinuous,
  • wiggly,
  • wavy,
  • spiroid,
  • vermiculate,
  • flexuous,
  • squirmy,

Q. What is a Scug?

1 Scottish : shade, shadow. 2 Scottish. a : shelter. b : a sheltered place especially : the side of a hill.

Q. What is the meaning of proboscis?

1a : the trunk of an elephant also : any long flexible snout. b : the human nose especially when prominent. 2 : any of various elongated or extensible tubular processes (such as the sucking organ of a butterfly) of the oral region of an invertebrate.

Q. What is a sentence for quixotic?

Nor has her quixotic campaign in a bellwether seat yet ignited. Now that he wants to rejoin society no goal seems more quixotic and hopeless. As quixotic ventures go, the symphony has turned out well.

Q. Is pusillanimous a bad word?

adjective. lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted; timid.

Q. What part of speech is quixotic?

adjective. extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical, or impracticable.

Q. What does arresting mean?

: catching the attention : striking, impressive an arresting image.

Q. What is an arresting smile?

adjective. attracting or capable of attracting attention or interest; striking: an arresting smile.

Q. What does it mean to have an arresting voice?

A phonatory arrest is a manifestation of spasmodic dysphonia, a part of its phenomenology, in which the voice suddenly “chokes off” in the middle of an intended sound, causing a brief instant of silence before the voice starts again.

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What is the other name for sleeping volcano?.
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