What is the percentage of 3 out of 6000?

What is the percentage of 3 out of 6000?

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Q. What is the percentage of 3 out of 6000?


Q. What is K in money?

In money, K means 1000. So if you have 10 K, you have $10,000. The letter K meaning 1000, comes from the prefix “kilo”.

Q. What is 2.5K money?

K stands for the metric prefix kilo , which is derived from the Greek word χίλιοι (chilioi), meaning “thousand”. So 2.5 k stands for 2500.

Q. How many people is 2.4 K?

Thus, 2.4k is 2.4 x 1000 or 2400. The k is also commonly a short for kilo. Accompanied with a number and without a unit though, it generally stands for a thousand.

Q. What means 100k?

K is a monetary suffix meaning thousand. So 100k = $100,000…. 10k would be $10,000. 1,000 k is not used very often but it does = 1,000,000 or one million.

Q. What is 1K in FB?

When a visitor of your web page clicks on Facebook Like (or Share) button, she can share the link of that page on her FB Timeline. Once the action is complete, counter associated with that button gets increased by one. But sometime it appears to be stuck at 1k (1k means one thousand).

Q. Is 1000 views on Facebook good?

If your videos get an average of 100 views each, posting a video that pulls in 1,000 in the first week is a very good viral response. For a business that routinely posts videos with 100,000 views per day, an increase of 900 is hardly noticeable.

Q. What is 1M length?

1000 mm

Q. What does K mean in text?

rude, dismissive

Q. How do you reply to K?

k is a faster way of saying ‘ok’ which is a faster way of saying ‘alright’ or ‘acknowledged’ which can also be said using ‘agreed’ or ‘i like that’ or ‘cool’. I don’t see hoe it matters at all. If at all I were forced to reply, I would reply with “..” which means that ‘I have thought about it and you know the answer”.

Q. What does K mean from a guy?

When you send a “k,” what you’re saying is: I don’t care what you’ve said and I don’t want to talk to you anymore.

Q. What does JK mean?

just kidding

Q. What is LDK texting?

I don’t know is used in Acronym Slang Internet. The word ldk is used in Acronym, Slang, Internet meaning I don’t know.

Q. What does IG mean?

IG stands for the social media platform Instagram. It also sometimes short for I guess.

Q. What does FT mean?

ft. is a written abbreviation for feet or foot.

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What is the percentage of 3 out of 6000?.
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