What is the real name of Gandhiji? – Internet Guides
What is the real name of Gandhiji?

What is the real name of Gandhiji?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the real name of Gandhiji?

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Q. Who is now as father of nation?


NameNationTitle (translation)
MahatmaIndiaFather of the Nation
SukarnoIndonesiaFather of the Nation/Great Leader of Indonesian Revolution/The Proclamator
Cyrus the GreatIran (Persia)King of Kings

Q. Who is father of Indian army?

Major Stringer Lawrence

Q. What is the name of Gandhiji’s wife?

Kasturba Gandhim. 1883–1944

Q. What is the name of Gandhiji’s father?

Karamchand Gandhi

Q. How old is Gandhi now?

Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869. Mahatma Gandhi died on 30 January 1948 at the age of 78 years.

Q. At what age Gandhiji died?

78 years (1869–1948)

Q. How is Gandhi honored today?

His birthday is a major national holiday called Gandhi Jayanti, and it is marked with a prayer for peace, ceremonies and events throughout the country. The United Nations has also declared October 2 as the International Day of Nonviolence to honor Gandhi’s message.

Q. How long did Gandhi fast?

21 days

Q. What is the longest fast ever?

The longest known fast was in 1971, when a 27-year-old man survived on water and supplements for 382 days and shrank from 456 to 180 pounds. In 1981, Irish republican prisoners refused food for more than two months before dying, but in 2010, a Florida woman on a water-only religious fast died within just 26 days.

Q. What did Gandhi drink while fasting?

The Mahatma had perfected a routine for long fasts. Before going on one, he would have lemon juice and honey with warm water. He would keep having water, occasionally with salt or lemon juice, through the day, no matter how nauseous or weak he felt. To minimise the loss of energy, he would sleep more than usual.

Q. Why did Gandhi go without food that night?

He wouldn’t eat, he said, as a protest against the separate electorates that were reserved for untouchables in the legislature. The last time that he had undertaken a fast unto death, it was for the striking mill workers at Ahmedabad for whom he had won their desired pay hike.

Q. Why did Gandhi’s friend insisted him to eat meat?

A friend who was notorious and fearless urged him to eat meat on the argument that it will make Gandhi strong and fearless, too. Gandhi’s mind was bent on reform, and he wanted himself and his countrymen to be daring to be able to defeat the Englishmen. And as they say, ‘a man takes in a vice more readily than virtue.

Q. How did Gandhi help the untouchables?

He called on Hindus to atone for and redeem the sin of untouchability. He believed that his willingness to die would awaken Hindus to the poison of untouchability. Indeed, following his great fast, scores of communities removed barriers to “untouchables” attending temples and drinking water and eating with others.

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