What is the root word of colorful?

What is the root word of colorful?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the root word of colorful?

Q. What is the root word of colorful?

Where does colorful come from? The first records of the word colorful come from the 1800s. The suffix -ful means “full of” and turns the noun color into the adjective colorful, literally meaning “full of color.” The words vivid and vibrant can be used as synonyms for the literal and figurative sense of colorful.

Q. What does colorful words mean?

Colorful words are common words that sound just a bit funnier that other words. Words such as babble, grunt, cringe, fidget, lurk, and scorch. Each word is illustrated with one or more sentence and picture. Words such as babble, grunt, cringe, fidget, lurk, and scorch.

Q. Is current a good bank?

Though there is a $36 annual fee, Current offers a lot of useful tools that parents can use to teach their children about money management. If you’re a parent who wants an account that makes it easy to help track your children’s spending and to teach them about money, Current may be a good choice.

Q. How do you use the word current?

  1. [S] [T] Tom is Mary’s current boyfriend. (
  2. [S] [T] We were rowing against the current. (
  3. [S] [T] I’m satisfied with my current income. (
  4. [S] [T] Tom is perfectly satisfied with his current salary. (
  5. [S] [T] Tom suggested that Mary should resign from her current job and find another one. (

Q. What is another word for current?

Current Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for current?


Q. What is another term for current situation?

Noun. The current state of affairs. status quo. situation. status.

Q. What’s another word for current status?

What is another word for current state?

current conditioncurrent situation
current posturestatus quo

Q. How do you say present situation?

Synonyms for Current situation

  1. present situation. n.
  2. current status. n.
  3. existing situation. n.
  4. current circumstances. n.
  5. present state of affairs. n.
  6. current state of affairs. n.
  7. prevailing situation. n.
  8. present circumstances. n.

Q. Which is the closest antonym for the word Stark?

Antonyms for (adj) stark

  • Main entry: stern, austere, stark, severe.
  • Definition: severely simple.
  • Usage: a stark interior.
  • Main entry: stark, blunt, crude.
  • Definition: devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment.
  • Usage: the blunt truth; the crude facts; facing the stark reality of the deadline.

Q. What is another word for situation?

What is another word for situation?


Q. What is a word for a difficult situation?

crisis. noun. an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation.

Q. What is another word for awkward situation?

What is another word for awkward situation?


Q. What is another word for good?

SYNONYMS FOR good 1 pure, moral, conscientious; meritorious, worthy, exemplary, upright. 2 adequate. 3 outstanding, admirable.

Q. What is an antonym for good?

Antonyms. evilness wrong unrighteous wicked evil immoral unworthy. Etymology. good (English)

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What is the root word of colorful?.
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