What is the spelling of badminton in English? – Internet Guides
What is the spelling of badminton in English?

What is the spelling of badminton in English?

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Q. What is the spelling of badminton in English?

Badminton is a game played by two or four players on a rectangular court with a high net across the middle. The players try to score points by hitting a small object called a shuttlecock across the net using a racket.

Q. How do you spell badminton sport?

noun. a game played on a rectangular court by two players or two pairs of players equipped with light rackets used to volley a shuttlecock over a high net that divides the court in half.

Q. How do you sound out in badminton?

Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of ‘badminton’:

  1. Break ‘badminton’ down into sounds: [BAD] + [MIN] + [TUHN] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
  2. Record yourself saying ‘badminton’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.

Q. Who is the father of badminton?

Prakash Padukone

Q. What year badminton started?


Q. Which country is famous for badminton?


Q. What are the five rules of badminton?

The Laws of Badminton

  • A match consists of the best of 3 games of 21 points.
  • Every time there is a serve – there is a point scored.
  • The side winning a rally adds a point to its score.
  • At 20 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first, wins that game.
  • At 29 all, the side scoring the 30th point, wins that game.

Q. What are the 6 basic skills in badminton?

The basic six corners footwork

  • Travelling to the forehand side of the net.
  • Travelling to the backhand side of the net.
  • Covering the forehand mid-court.
  • Covering the backhand mid-court.
  • Moving to the forehand rear-court.
  • Moving to the backhand rear-court.

Q. What is not allowed in badminton?

In badminton, the serve must be hit in an upwards direction, with an underarm hitting action. You are not allowed to play a tennis style serve. The main rule here is that when you hit the shuttle, it must be below your waist. To be exact, the rules define this to be a height level with the lowest part of your ribcage.

Q. What are rules for badminton?

Players must serve diagonally across the net to their opponent. As points are won then serving stations move from one side to the other. There are no second serves so if your first serve goes out then your opponent wins the point. A serve must be hit underarm and below the servers waist.

Q. How many rules are there in badminton?

10 rules

Q. What are the lines for singles badminton?

A badminton court has two lines that run vertically and two lines that run horizontally. In singles, the court is long and narrow and thus we use the inner two vertical lines and the horizontal back line. Anything that lands within the box or right on those lines is in, and anything outside those lines is out.

Q. Can you smash a serve in badminton?

Yes it is legal but only if the receiver moves AFTER the server delivers the service. This means that the receiver is only allowed to move forward after the server’s racket makes contact with the shuttlecock.

Q. Why does Badminton have two lines?

Side parallel lines are marked along the sides of the badminton court to show both the single and double game badminton court boundaries.

Q. What are two types of badminton?

Professional badminton games are of five kinds: Men’s singles, Men’s doubles, Mixed doubles, Women’s singles and Women’s Doubles.

Q. Is the line in or out in badminton?

When the shuttlecock falls on the line, it should be considered IN. If the head of the shuttlecock touches the line, it is considered inside. The back tramline is considered out but the side tramline is deemed in the opposite to the situation in single.

Q. What type of scoring is used in badminton?

Badminton scoring system A point is scored on every serve and awarded to whichever side wins the rally. The winning side gets the next serve. If the score is 20-20, a side must win by two clear points to win the game. If it reaches 29-29, the first to get their 30th point wins.

Q. What is the dimension of badminton court?

Court dimensions The badminton court is 13.4m long and 6.1m wide. For singles the court is marked 5.18m wide. The lines marking out the court are easily distinguishable and coloured white or yellow. The lines are 40mm wide.

Q. Is height an advantage in badminton?

Shorter Player’s Weaknesses When the shuttle is lifted right to the back of the court, a taller player’s smash or jump smash will have a steeper angle than a shorter player! But height is never a problem in badminton. There are some very successful world class players that are not tall. They CAN SMASH WITH POWER TOO!

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