What is the use of lines and angles in daily life? – Internet Guides
What is the use of lines and angles in daily life?

What is the use of lines and angles in daily life?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the use of lines and angles in daily life?

Q. What is the use of lines and angles in daily life?

Answer. The concept of lines and angles are used in our daily life. straight lines are in classrooms on the floor, door, window, zebra crossing on road side. whereas angles are used in building constructions, inter connected with subjects like physics chemistry etc.

Q. What is a real life example of a plane?

Examples of a plane would be: a desktop, the chalkboard/whiteboard, a piece of paper, a TV screen, window, wall or a door.

Q. What is a real life example of two planes intersecting?

A real-world example of two planes intersecting is constructing a wall or placing a fence into the ground (so that its bottom is underground “penetrating” the level ground), and therefore the vertical plane (the wall or fence) intersects the horizontal plane, (the level ground).

Q. What are the example of objects that could represent a point?

Answer: The following can represent a point: corner of a table; tip of a needle; intersection of the front wall, side wall and ceiling; tip of a ballpen. The following can represent a line: intersection of a side wall and ceiling, laser, electric wire edge of a table.

Q. What are two subsets of a line?

There are two subsets, or subcategories, of lines in geometry: line segments and rays.

Q. What is a segment point?

A segment is a set of points consisting of two points of the line called the endpoints, and all of the points of the line between the endpoints. It is commonly used to represent the length, height, or width of a certain object and the distance between two objects.

Q. What is the segment in a circle?

Segment (of a Circle) A segment is a region bounded by a chord of a circle and the intercepted arc of the circle. A segment with an intercepted arc less than a semicircle is called a minor segment. A sector with an intercepted arc greater than a semi-circle is called a major segment.

Q. How do you write a major segment of a circle?

Area of a Segment of Circle Formula

  1. (θ / 360o) × πr2 – (1/2) r2 sin θ (OR) r2 [πθ/360o – sin θ/2], if ‘θ’ is in degrees.
  2. (1/2) × r2θ – (1/2) r2 sin θ (OR) (r2 / 2) [θ – sin θ], if ‘θ’ is in radians.

Q. When can we say that the two segments are congruent?

Two line segments are congruent if they have the same length. They do not need to have the same position or orientation.

Q. What does congruent segments mean in math?

Congruent segments are segments that have the same length. ≅ Points that lie on the same line are called collinear. A theorem is a mathematical statement that can be proved. The midpoint of a segment is a point that divides the segment into two congruent segments.

Q. What special marks are used to show the segments are congruent?

The special marks that are used to show that segments are congruent would be: Hashmarks.

Q. How do you know if line segments are equivalent?

Line segments are congruent if they have the same length. However, they need not be parallel. They can be at any angle or orientation on the plane.

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