What is the weight on Earth?

What is the weight on Earth?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the weight on Earth?

5.972 × 10^24 kg

Q. Do we have 3 moons?

After more than half a century of speculation, it has now been confirmed that Earth has two dust ‘moons’ orbiting it which are nine times wider than our planet. Scientists discovered two extra moons of Earth apart from the one we have known for so long. Earth doesn’t have just one moon, it has three.

Q. How much would a 60 kg astronaut weigh on earth?

Weight (magnitude) = Fg = mg. Details of the calculation: Weight = Fg = mg = (60 kg)*(9.8 m/s2) = 588 N.

Q. How much do I weight in space?

This force of attraction between you and the Earth (or any other planet) is called your weight. If you are in a spaceship far between the stars and you put a scale underneath you, the scale would read zero. Your weight is zero. You are weightless.

Q. Which planet do you weigh the most?


Q. How do you calculate weight above Earth?

  1. F = G * m1 * m2 / d^2. If you have a lot of particles acting on a single particle, you have to add up the contribution of all the individual particles.
  2. ge = G * m earth / (d earth)^2. The weight W, or gravitational force, is then just the mass of an object times the gravitational acceleration.
  3. W = m * g.

Q. What planet would you be the oldest on?

While earth takes 365 days to make one circuit, the closest planet, Mercury, takes only 88 days. Poor, ponderous, and distant Pluto takes a whopping 248 years for one revolution….The Days (And Years) Of Our Lives.

PlanetRotation PeriodRevolution Period
Neptune0.67 days164.79 years
Pluto6.39 days248.59 years

Q. How old would I be on Pluto?

Age on Pluto: A year on Pluto is almost 248 Earth years long. This means that every living human is less than one Pluto year old.

Q. Would you age faster on Mercury?

Originally Answered: On which planet of the solar system will I age slower than on earth? Mercury wins. It’s the planet where you are in the deepest gravity well when you stand on its surface. A lower gravitational potential means a slower passage of time.

Q. What is my age on Jupiter?

3. To find your age on the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto), divide your age in Earth years by the approximate length of the planet’s year in Earth years. This is your “new” age. For example, a 20 year old on Earth would only be 1.7 years old on Jupiter because 20 / 12 = 1.7.

Q. What is the age of Venus?

4.503 billion years

Q. How old would you be now?

Let’s subtract years: 2021 – 1999 = 22 . So, the answer to “If you were born in 1999, how old are you?” is: “In 2021, you’d be approximately 22 years old”. However, if you were born after 10.01, you’d officially become 22 on your birthday.

Q. How old am I on mercury if I am 12?

If you are exactly 12 years old, that’s 4 380 days (12 x 365). It would also mean that today is your birthday. If, however, you lived on Mercury and had a birthday every 88 days then you would be nearly 50 years old (4 380 ÷ 88 = 49.77).

Q. How long is a year on Mercury?

88 days

Q. How old is Uranus?

Q. Why did they call it Uranus?

Ultimately, German astronomer Johann Elert Bode (whose observations helped to establish the new object as a planet) named Uranus after an ancient Greek god of the sky. (Uranus is also the only planet to be named after a Greek god rather than a Roman one.)

Q. What was Uranus originally called?

Georgium Sidus

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