What kind of word is reminded? – Internet Guides
What kind of word is reminded?

What kind of word is reminded?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat kind of word is reminded?

Q. What kind of word is reminded?

verb (used with object) to cause (a person) to remember; cause (a person) to think (of someone or something): Remind me to phone him tomorrow. That woman reminds me of my mother.

Q. Is reminded a word?

re·mind. To cause to remember; put in mind: must remind him to call; reminded her of college days. re·mind′er n.

Q. Is remind an adjective?

That serves to remind one of something; reminiscent.

Q. What part of speech is the word reminded?


Q. What’s another word for reminisce?

Frequently Asked Questions About reminisce Some common synonyms of reminisce are recall, recollect, remember, and remind. While all these words mean “to bring an image or idea from the past into the mind,” reminisce implies a casual often nostalgic recalling of experiences long past and gone.

Q. What are old memories called?

reminisce Add to list Share. Reminisce is a dreamy way of saying “remember the past.” If you’re swapping old stories with friends and remembering all the silly things you used to do, then you’re reminiscing. Reminiscing is all about happy recollections and thinking back to stories from the past.

Q. How do you use reminisce verbs?

Reminisce sentence example

  1. It’s fun to reminisce about the past.
  2. They reminisce about old times.
  3. I thought when all this was behind us, we could reminisce about it and maybe revel in all the good we managed to accomplish.
  4. It’s easier to reminisce on the good memories rather than the bad.

Q. Can reminisce be used as a verb?

verb (used without object), rem·i·nisced, rem·i·nisc·ing. to recall past experiences, events, etc.; indulge in reminiscence.

Q. Is reminisce a transitive verb?

Reminiscing is a transitive verb So, when we use “to reminisce” or “reminiscing” in a sentence, we need an object to connect that to.

Q. Can reminisce be used as a noun?

noun. the act or process of recalling past experiences, events, etc. a recollection narrated or told: reminiscences of an American soldier.

Q. What is an adjective for reminisce?

adjective. awakening memories of something similar; suggestive (usually followed by of): His style of writing is reminiscent of Melville’s. characterized by or of the nature of reminiscence. given to reminiscence: a reminiscent old sailor.

Q. What type of noun is dentist?

common noun

Q. What is the verb form of reminiscent?

reminisce. (intransitive) To recall the past in a private moment, often fondly or nostalgically. (intransitive) To talk or write about memories of the past, especially pleasant memories. (transitive, India) To remember fondly; to reminisce about.

Q. How do you spell reminisce Google?

Q. Is dentist a verb or noun?

noun. a person whose profession is dentistry.

Q. Is Christmas an abstract noun?

Abstract Nouns Qualities and characteristics (beauty, kindness, wit) Emotions and states of mind (love, happiness, anger) Concepts and ideas (justice, freedom, truth) Events and processes (progress, Thursday, Christmas)

Q. Is teeth a proper noun?

Yes! Teeth is a common noun.

Q. What means tongue?

Your tongue is the muscle in your mouth that you press against your teeth in order to speak, as well the home of your taste buds. Tongue also means language, like the German tongue, or the Cajun tongue. As a verb, tongue means “lick,” as in when the dog tongues your empty plate.

Q. How do you spell tongue?


  1. a movable mass of muscular tissue attached to the floor of the mouth in most vertebrates. It is the organ of taste and aids the mastication and swallowing of food.
  2. an analogous organ in invertebrates.
  3. the tongue of certain animals used as food.
  4. a language, dialect, or idiomthe English tongue.

Q. What is the tongue Emoji?

👅 Meaning – Tongue Emoji This icon shows a smiling mouth with a pink tongue sticking out, no face. It implies joking around, “ha-ha”, tricks, laughter, and general goofiness. This emoji could be used in reply to something funny, or to make fun of something the person has said or done.

Q. What do you call someone with no tongue?

She and Wang have been looking into isolated congenital aglossia, the rare condition in which a person is born without a tongue. Rogers, their test case, is one of 11 people recorded in medical literature since 1718 to have the condition, and there are fewer than 10 in the world today who have it, McMicken said.

Q. What do different tongue colors mean?

Abnormal color changes over the long term could indicate issues with major body organs, such as the heart, liver, and kidneys. Coating. While a healthy tongue ought to have a thin whitish coating, TCM notes that a thicker coating could indicate an acute issue with your bladder, stomach, or intestines.

Q. What Colour is a healthy tongue?

A healthy tongue is typically pink in color, but it can still vary slightly in dark and light shades. Your tongue also has small nodules on the top and bottom.

Q. Is Blue Tongue a symptom of Covid 19?

Patients diagnosed as mild and moderate COVID-19 commonly had light red tongue and white coating. Severe patients had purple tongue and yellow coating. The proportion of critical patients with tender tongue increased to 75%.

Q. What does an inflamed taste bud look like?

Swollen taste buds are relatively common since there are a variety of different conditions that can cause them. They often present as swollen red or white bumps that usually appear in the center or back of the tongue and are often tender or cause a burning sensation when you eat.

Q. Why is my mouth dry even though I drink a lot of water?

Dry Mouth. When your mouth feels very dry, it can make you thirsty. Usually, it happens because the glands in your mouth make less saliva. You may get it because of medications you take, treatments for other conditions like cancer, diseases like Sjogren’s syndrome, nerve damage in the head and neck, or tobacco use.

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