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What means swell?

What means swell?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat means swell?

1a : to expand (as in size, volume, or numbers) gradually beyond a normal or original limit the population swelled. b : to become distended or puffed up her ankle is badly swollen. c : to form a bulge or rounded elevation.

Q. How do you use billow in a sentence?

Billow in a Sentence 🔉

  1. A billow of smog filled the sky just above the pollution producing factory.
  2. Puffing on a cigar, grandpa pushed a billow of smoke from his lips and into the air.

Q. What is a billow of smoke?

A billow of smoke or dust is a large mass of it rising slowly into the air. smoke stacks belching billows of almost solid black smoke. Synonyms: surge, wave, flow, rush More Synonyms of billow.

Q. What is the meaning of Celerity?

celerity • /suh-LAIR-uh-tee/ • noun. : rapidity of motion or action : swiftness.

Q. What does censorious mean in English?

formal : having or showing a tendency to criticize someone or something severely : very critical.

Q. How do you use celerity in a sentence?

Celerity in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The slave will be punished if his celerity is not fast enough for his master.
  2. When the commanding officer tells his soldiers to move, the men and women move with purposeful celerity.

Q. How do you use Halcyon in a sentence?

Halcyon in a Sentence 🔉

  1. I was very content during the halcyon days of my childhood.
  2. Because the waters are halcyon, today is a great day for a boat trip.
  3. The isolated cabin is sure to provide me with a halcyon escape from the noise of the crowded city.

Q. What is the meaning of the word halcyon?

1a : characterized by happiness, great success, and prosperity : golden —often used to describe an idyllic time in the past that is remembered as better than today the halcyon days of youthClassics Illustrated have become pricey nostalgia items for those who grew up in the supposedly halcyon years after World War II.—

Q. How do you use the word expedite in a sentence?

Expedite sentence example

  1. Please expedite the delivery of the package.
  2. To expedite the approval process, you can apply online.
  3. The object of grafting is to expedite and increase the formation of flowers and fruit.
  4. He needs to expedite completion of the report.

Q. What is the meaning of Expediate?

ex·pe·di·ate To expedite. [Alteration (probably influenced by -ate) of expedite.] Usage Note: Some people use the verb expediate where expedite would properly be used, as in The government wants to expediate the processing of visa applications.

Q. Why is expediting important?

The importance of expediting is emphasised and techniques are provided to monitor, control and improve supplier on-time delivery. These include methods to apply pressure to suppliers to ensure they fulfil their obligations and how to deal with unacceptable performance.

Q. What is the best definition of the word expedite?

1 : to accelerate the process or progress of : speed up.

Q. Is speed up a word?

an increasing of speed. an imposed increase in the rate of production of a worker without a corresponding increase in the rate of pay.

Q. What does it mean to expedite someone?

to speed up the progress of; hasten: to expedite shipments. to accomplish promptly, as a piece of business; dispatch: to expedite one’s duties.

Q. Can we speed up the process?

To expedite something is to make it go faster or speed up the process. Expediting that package might get it to Alaska by tomorrow, instead of next Tuesday. If someone says, “Let me expedite the process,” that’s probably a good thing: they’re offering to speed things up.

Q. What is an expedited shipping?

Expedited shipping is faster than a carrier’s standard service for the same route. Expedited shipping typically offers time-definite delivery for domestic and international destinations—meaning you know by which time on which day your shipment will arrive.

Q. What is the difference between expedite and Expediate?

Explanation: Expedite is by far the better choice here. Although I hate to have to report this, expediate is gaining acceptance as a word — although I’m happy to report that it’s not in very many dictionaries. It means expedite, which means to do something promptly or to speed up a process.

Q. Does expedient mean fast?

Use expedient for “advantageous” and expeditious for “speedy,” like how fast you plan for an expedition to Antarctica, or across the street.

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