What number is Rua Mano Rua tekau MĀ Tahi? – Internet Guides
What number is Rua Mano Rua tekau MĀ Tahi?

What number is Rua Mano Rua tekau MĀ Tahi?

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Q. What number is Rua Mano Rua tekau MĀ Tahi?


Q. How do you spell nine in Maori?

Nine = Iwa. Ten = Tekau. Eleven = Tekau mā Tahi.

Q. What does Tena Koe mean?

tena koe in British English (təˈnɑː ˈkwɔɪ ) exclamation. New Zealand. a Māori greeting to one person.

Q. What are the numbers 1 to 10 in Spanish?

In this lesson, we learned the vocabulary and pronunciation for the numbers 1-10 in Spanish: uno (ooh-no), dos (dohs), tres (trays), cuatro (kwah-troh), cinco (seen-koh), seis (says), siete (syay-tay), ocho (oh-choh), nueve (nway-vay), diez (dyays).

Q. What are the numbers in Spanish from 1 to 30?

1 – 100 Spanish Numbers

1 uno2 dos5 cinco
11 once12 doce15 quince
16 dieciséis17 diecisiete20 veinte
21 veintiuno22 veintidós25 veinticinco
26 veintiséis27 veintisiete30 treinta

Q. How do u say 25 in Spanish?

If you want to say the word for “20” in Spanish, you would say, “veinticinco.” It’s part of a sequence you may already know: veinticinco (25), cincuenta (50), setenta y cinco (75), cien (100).

Q. How do u say 32 in Spanish?

Learn the numbers from zero to one hundred in Spanish….

NumberEnglish (pronunciation)Spanish (pronunciation)
32thirty-two (thur-tee-TOO)treinta y dos (treh-een-tah ee DOS)
33thirty-three (thur-tee-THREE)treinta y tres (treh-een-tah ee tres)
34thirty-four (thur-tee-FOR)treinta y cuatro (treh-een-tah ee KWAT-ro)

Q. How do you count from 1 to 30 in French?

The other numbers are joined by a hyphen, like in English. Twenty-two is vingt-deux, thirty-four is trente-quatre, and sixty-seven is soixante-sept….Numbers in French: 21-69.

NumberIn FrenchPronunciation
28vingt-huitvan wheet
29vingt-neufvan nuhf
31trente et untront ay uh

Q. How do you say 1000 in French?

When talking about “one hundred” or “one thousand” in French, we don’t say the “one”, we only say “cent” and “mille”. However when talking about “one million”, “one billion” we do say the one: “un million, un milliard”.

Q. Why do we say O instead of zero?

The Oxford English Dictionary says: O n. (also oh) zero (in a sequence of numerals, especially when spoken). Zero is a little bit longer to pronounce, hence the “oh”.

Q. What is Treize?

British English: thirteen /ˈθɜːˈtiːn/ NUMBER. Thirteen is the number 13. She is thirteen years old.

Q. What is the number 2 in French?


Q. What does the word un mean in French?

Notice that unlike English, all nouns (words for things and people) in French are masculine or feminine. Use Un with masculine nouns. Use Une with feminine nouns. Note that un, une also mean one: une maison means a house and one house.

Q. What are the French numbers?

Talking about French numbers 0 to 100

  • zéro. zero.
  • un. one.
  • deux. two.
  • trois. three.
  • quatre. four.
  • cinq. five.
  • six. six.
  • sept. seven.

Q. Why is French counting so weird?

In French too, we see this, up until the seventies when, as we’ve said, things go weird. Then in comes the “vigesimal system” which used the base 20, hence quatre-vingt-quatre (84). This is supposedly as they used their feet as well as their hands to count. Fingers and toes included, you get twenty.

Q. How do you count 1 to 1000 in French?

Un, deux, trois, c’est parti (one, two, three, here we go)!…

  1. Un.
  2. Deux.
  3. Trois.
  4. Quatre.
  5. Cinq.
  6. Six.
  7. Sept.
  8. Huit.

Q. How do you say 8 in Japanese?

Eight (8) is 八 (hachi, pronounced “hah-chee”). Nine (9) is 九 (kyuu, pronounced “kyoo”).

Q. How do you say 8 in Spain?

Here are the Spanish numbers:

  1. 1 – uno.
  2. 2 – dos.
  3. 3 – tres.
  4. 4 – cuatro.
  5. 5 – cinco.
  6. 6 – seis.
  7. 7 – siete.
  8. 8 – ocho.

Q. How do the British pronounce zero?

When reading a number out loud many English speakers will say o (pronounced owe) as in the letter O when meaning the digit zero. So: “room 702” is often said “Room Seven O(we) Two” while “Seven Zero Two” is also used. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard someone say “Seven Nought Two”.

Q. How do you say 10 in English?

Yes, ten numbers, without using the number 10. In English 10, 20, 30, through to 90 are 1 ten, 2 tens, 3 tens, etc. Also there are a number of ways you can say 0 in English….Try writing the numbers zero ( 0 ) through nine ( 9 ).

When we use itFor example:-
0 = zeroin temperature-10°C = “10 degrees below zero.”

Q. How do you count from 1 to 20 in English?

eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.

Q. What is the number 30 in French?

trente tront

Q. How do you say 99 in French?

Ninety-nine translates to ‘four-twenty-ten-nine’ or quatre-vingt-dix-neuf.

Q. Why is French numbers weird?

In French, soixante (60) is the last iteration of ten to have its own word. Going higher, such as seventy is soixant dix (60-10), eighty is quatre vingt (4-20), 90 is quatre vingt dix (4-20-10).

Q. What is the number 80 in French?


Q. How do you say 98 in French?

Here are the French Numbers 91-100….French Numbers 91-100.

NumberFrench SpellingPronunciation

Q. Are French numbers base 20?

The French language uses 20 as a base for counting between 70 and 100; hence 80 is quatre-vingts (“four-twenties”). Paris has 20 arrondissements, or boroughs. The capital’s annual running race is the 20 Kilomètres de Paris. There is a free newspaper called “20 minutes”.

Q. How do you say 83 in French?

We’ve given a rough pronunciation but if your want to hear how it sounds make sure to play the video….French Numbers 81-90.

NumberFrench SpellingPronunciation

Q. How do you say 71 80 in French?

Basic French Lessons

  1. 70 soixante-dix 71 soixante et onze 72 soixante-douze 73 soixante-treize.
  2. 74 soixante-quatorze 75 soixante-quinze 76 soixante-seize 77 soixante-dix-sept.
  3. 78 soixante-dix-huit 79 soixante-dix-neuf 80 quatre-vingt.

Q. How do you say 33 in French?

Here are the French Numbers 31-40….French Numbers 31-40.

NumberFrench SpellingPronunciation
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What number is Rua Mano Rua tekau MĀ Tahi?.
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