What tire is bigger 285 or 33?

What tire is bigger 285 or 33?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat tire is bigger 285 or 33?

YES, 285 wide tires are the same as 33” tires although 285 is the tread width in millimeters and 33″ is the tire diameter. 285/75/16 is usually the accepted metric equivalent size for 33’s. 16.831″ + 16″ wheel = 32.831″ approximate tire diameter.

Q. Whats the biggest tire you can put on a 17×7 5 Rim?

The widest tire you can safely place on a rim is 9 inches. However, the manufacturer-suggested size is 7.5 inches.

Q. Can you put a 245 tire on a 7.5 inch rim?

A 245-35-R18 tire can be mounted on an 8″ wheel, but the tire company websites that I just scanned all recommend an 8.5″ wheel. So, I too would say no. 235 size tire will not work on that 7.5 wheel. You would need at least a 8″ wheel to run that.

Q. How tall is a 315 70R17 tire?

Plus Sizes

Diameter inches (mm)34.36 (872.8)35.03 (889.72)
Width inches (mm)12.4 (315)12.52 (318)
Circum. inches (mm)107.95 (2741.98)110.04 (2795.14)
Sidewall Height inches (mm)8.68 (220.5)9.01 (228.96)

Q. Is a 315 a 35 inch tire?

A 315/75R16 tire has nearly the same diameter as a 35×12. 50 tire and is commonly referred to as a “metric 35.”

Q. How tall is a 315 75r17 tire?

Plus Sizes

Diameter inches (mm)35.6 (904.3)34.36 (872.8)
Width inches (mm)12.4 (315)12.4 (315)
Circum. inches (mm)111.85 (2840.94)107.95 (2741.98)
Sidewall Height inches (mm)9.3 (236.25)8.68 (220.5)

Q. How much taller is a 315 tire than a 265?

Compared to the 265? wallacemf said: 265 is slightly over 31 inches. A 315 is about 34.5 inches.

Q. What size is a 315 75 16 tire?

Plus Sizes

Diameter inches (mm)31.65 (803.9)34.6 (878.9)
Width inches (mm)10.43 (265)12.4 (315)
Circum. inches (mm)99.43 (2525.53)108.71 (2761.15)
Sidewall Height inches (mm)7.82 (198.75)9.3 (236.25)

Q. What size tire is equivalent to a 33?

285/75/16 is the metric equivalent of a 33″ tire. 16.831″ + 16″ wheel = 32.831″ approximate tire diameter. Although the 285/75/16 is usually the accepted metric size for 33’s, the actual diameter of the tire varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. 285’s actually vary in true diameter.

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