What type of word is eventually? – Internet Guides
What type of word is eventually?

What type of word is eventually?

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Q. What type of word is eventually?

adverb – Word

Q. Is eventually a clause?

A simple sentence with “eventually” contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. However, it contains only one independent clause.

Q. Is eventually a noun?

An occurrence; something that happens. One of several contests that combine to make up a competition. An end result; an outcome (now chiefly in phrases).

Q. How do you use eventually in Word?

Eventually sentence example

  1. Eventually they stopped their chatter and fell silent.
  2. Somehow, both of us eventually slept.
  3. Eventually , she dozed off.
  4. Eventually , she’d find out who he was.
  5. Surely the Indians would guess that their query would eventually assemble.

Q. What does eventually mean in English?

: at an unspecified later time : in the end. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More about eventually.

Q. What tense is eventually?

past tense

Q. What is another word for finally?

What is another word for finally?

tardilyat last
lastlyafter some time
by and bysooner or later

Q. What’s a bigger word for finally?

lastly, in conclusion, eventually, ultimately, at long last, in the end, at last, last, finally. ultimately, finally, in the end, at last, at long lastadverb.

Q. What is opposite for finally?

Antonyms for finally dubiously, questionably, doubtfully, inconclusively.

Q. What does finally mean?

adverb. at the final point or moment; in the end. in a final manner; conclusively or decisively. at last; eventually; after considerable delay: After three tries, he finally passed his driving test.

Q. Where do you put finally in a sentence?

“finally” goes in the middle position of a sentence. If the sentence has a main verb, then we put “finally” before the main verb. Example: The bus finally arrived at midnight. If the sentence has an auxiliary or modal verb, then we put “finally” after the auxiliary / modal verb and before the main verb.

Q. What is finally in a sentence?

as the end result of a succession or process. 1, They finally found the cat up on the roof. 2, We finally made him see the light. 3, Kawaguchi finally resorted to an outright lie.

Q. What does the word finally suggest?

You use finally to suggest that something happens after a long period of time, usually later than you wanted or expected it to happen. The word was finally given for us to get on board. The food finally arrived at the end of last week and distribution began.

Q. How do you say finally without saying finally?

other words for finally

  1. certainly.
  2. completely.
  3. definitely.
  4. permanently.
  5. lastly.
  6. assuredly.
  7. in conclusion.
  8. once and for all.

Q. Do you put comma after finally?

“Finally” needs to be followed by a comma when it comes at the beginning of a sentence or independent clause. When it occurs in the middle of a sentence it should not be followed by a comma if it is restrictive.

Q. Is it correct to say lastly?

‘Lastly’ refers to the final item or action of a series of items or actions. After watching the snow all day, I spent some time shoveling my steps. Lastly, I cleared off the porch. This is the only way ‘lastly’ is properly used.

Q. Is finally formal?

The following list will help you to recognize the informal and formal ways of saying the same thing….Transitions – Informal & Formal.

In the end,Finally
To sum upIn conclusion,
In a nutshell/BasicallyTo summarize,

Q. Is Lastability a word?

The degree to which something will last or endure. Word in 11 letters. This definition of the word lastability is from the Wiktionary, where you can also find the etimology, other senses, synonyms, antonyms and examples.

Q. How do you use least in a sentence?

Least sentence example

  1. At least they were talking.
  2. They wanted her out of the way, or at least silent.
  3. At least he was getting out of the house.
  4. At least he was honorable, but if the look on his face was any indication, he was regretting that offer.
  5. At least something was going right.

Q. What does at the least mean?

at (the) least in American English 1. at the very lowest figure or amount; with no less. 2. at any rate; in any event.

Q. Where do you put at least in a sentence?

Examples of ‘at least’ in a sentence at least

  • Find a class and try to go at least once a week.
  • But we should have had at least one goal.
  • The company is advising holidaymakers to book at least six months in advance.
  • And always pay off at least the minimum amount each month.
  • He is also tested at least four times a month.

Q. Why do we say last but not least?

You use last but not least to say that the last person or thing to be mentioned is as important as all the others.

Q. What is another word for last but not least?

Synonyms for Last but not least:

  • inter alia,
  • lastly,
  • whatnot,
  • thirdly,
  • Et cetera,
  • secondly.

Q. What does last but not least mean in English?

—used to say that a final statement is not less important than previous statements The television is big, has an excellent picture, and last but not least, it’s cheap.

Q. What does last but not least mean literally?

phrase. You use last but not least to say that the last person or thing to be mentioned is as important as all the others.

Q. Is Last but not least informal?

“Last but not least” is a common English transitional expression, but it is somewhat informal by essay standards, so I would suggest using it for your independent writing task, and only if you want to draw the rater’s attention to your final reason/supporting idea, because that is ultimately what that expression does …

Q. Do you put a comma after last but not least?

Use a comma after phrases or clauses of more than three words that begin a sentence (unless it is the subject of the sentence). Whether or not a comma is used also depends on the type of the introductory element, and, last but not least, on whether or not there would be a slight pause if the clause were read out loud.

Q. What is not least?

formal. : especially or particularly We had many things to consider, not least the safety of our children.

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