What was life like in the 17th century? – Internet Guides
What was life like in the 17th century?

What was life like in the 17th century?

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The life of an average family in late 17th century England was simple, let laborious. Many lived in one or two room houses that were often crowded with large families, as well as lodgers that shared their living space.

Q. Who ruled India in 17th century?

1600: Royal Charter forms the East India Company, setting in motion a process that ultimately results in the subjugation of India under British rule. 1605: Akbar the Great dies at age 63. His son Jahangir succeeds him as fourth Mughal Emperor. 1613-14: British East India Company sets up trading post at Surat.

Q. Who ruled in the 17th century?

King James VI of Scotland

Q. What were dresses called in the 1700s?

The chemise was a thin, full-cut linen or muslin dress with a lace-edged neckline. Worn under everything else, the lace of the chemise could peek out over the edge of low cut necklines. A chemise fell to the knees and featured full sleeves to the elbow.

Q. What color did peasants wear?

The most common colors for peasant clothing were brown, red or gray. Both men and women wore clogs made of thick leather. In cold weather, both men and women wore cloaks made of sheepskin or wool. They also wore wool hats and mittens.

Q. What is the cheapest dye color?

Depending on the shade the cost of dye varies. E.g. for blacks Sulphur dyes are cheapest, for blues Reactive dyes and direct dyes are competing, for red and orange tones azoic dyes are cheap and best, and for greens vat although slightly costlier than reactive may be preferred.

Q. What did poor people wear in Elizabethan times?

The poor, or lower class, in Elizabethan times did not have specific fashion trends. Poor people wore whatever clothing they could make from inexpensive materials such as cotton and wool. Men of the times usually wore breeches, underclothing, hats and doublets. Women generally wore gowns with corsets underneath.

Q. What would happen to a peasant who killed a deer on the land of a noble?

Who did most of the peasants work for during the Middle Ages? What would happen to a peasant who killed a deer on the land of a noble? He would be punished or even killed. True or False: Most children, rich or poor, attended school at the monasteries and learned to read and write?.

Q. What does purple mean in medieval times?

Purple, a royal color since ancient times, is also associated with repentance. It is the liturgical color for Lent and Advent.

Q. Why is purple so expensive?

Purple was expensive, because purple dye came from snails. The video above, by CreatureCast, recounts the story of Rome’s vaunted Tyrian purple, and the color’s close link with the marine snail Bolinus brandaris. The New York Times: To make Tyrian purple, marine snails were collected by the thousands.

Q. What’s the most expensive color?


Q. What is the most expensive color to make?

Lapis Lazuli

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