What were the effects of Shays Rebellion?

What were the effects of Shays Rebellion?

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Although plans for a Constitutional Convention were already under way, the uprising in Massachusetts led to further calls for a stronger national government and influenced the ensuing debate in Philadelphia that led to the drafting of the U.S. Constitution in the summer of 1787.

Q. What did both Shays Rebellion and the Pennsylvania Mutiny affect Congress?

As a result of Shay’s Rebellion and the Pennsylvania Mutiny, the Congress started to fear about the spread of future rebellions and anarchy in the country.

Q. What did both Shays Rebellion and the Pennsylvania Mutiny cause Americans to realize about the Articles of Confederation?

What did both Shays’s Rebellion and the Pennsylvania Mutiny cause Americans to realize about the Articles of Confederation? The Articles of Confederation did not provide for a strong enough national government. spread of future rebellions and anarchy.

Q. What caused disputes between the 13 American states during and after the Revolutionary War?

What caused disputes between the thirteen American states during and after the Revolutionary War? Land claims made by certain states on the western territories Congress’s decision to raise high taxes The Southern states’ proposal to form a separate nation.

Q. What land did the US gain from the Revolutionary War?

A “territory” is a land area that has not yet been divided into states. In 1783 the United States received a huge territory from Great Britain as part of the peace treaty ending the revolutionary war. This new region stretched from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River, and from Canada to Spanish Florida.

Q. What problem did the Patriots experience in the war in the south?

What problems did the Patriots experience in the war in the South? There was a lot of brutal hand to hand fighting and many towns and villages were totally destroyed. A civil war broke out between Patriot and Loyalist citizens which was very destructive.

Q. Why did the British move the war to the South quizlet?

Why did the British decide to move the war to the South? 1)British believed that most Southerners were Loyalists and that if they gained territory in the South, the Southern Loyalists would hold it for them. 2) Believed that large number of Southern slaves would join them in return for promise of freedom.

Q. What was the Southern Strategy in the Revolutionary War?

The Southern Strategy was a plan implemented by the British during the Revolutionary War to win the conflict by concentrating their forces in the southern states of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia.

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What were the effects of Shays Rebellion?.
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