What were the negative effects of the revolution on Mexican society?

What were the negative effects of the revolution on Mexican society?

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Q. What were the negative effects of the revolution on Mexican society?

The hacienda system was destroyed and the land was divided up to peasants and Indian communities. The government recognized peasant organizations and labor unions and promoted their organization. The foreign-owned oil industry was expropriated and the Mexican petroleum company created.

Q. What were the social causes of the Mexican Revolution?

Brief Background. -Clearly, the cause of the Mexican Revolution was a compilation of social and economic factors. Diaz was interested in supporting the Mexican elite, and had a desire to reform Mexico into a more civilized country. Neglected the rural populace by poorly distributing the land they used to make a living.

Q. How did the Mexican Revolution challenge the existing political and social order in Mexico?

The Mexican Revolution The immediate challenge to existing regimes in country after country usually came from disaffected members of the traditional ruling groups and from the expanding middle sectors resentful of their exclusion from a fair share of power and privilege.

Q. What are the causes and effects of the Mexican Revolution?

The economic policies of Porfirio Díaz, unequal distribution of land, deeply entrenched economic inequality, and undemocratic institutions were the major causes of the revolution.

Q. How did the Mexican economy change after the Mexican Revolution?

From 1910 to 1913 the Revolution slowed down export growth, but in 1914 exports fell about 22 percent. The drop probably resulted from the international recession rather than the disruptions in Mexico. The following year exports rebounded, rising 23 percent and in 1916 they grew by 16 percent.

Q. Which of the following best explains the role of drug cartels in Mexico?

Which of the following best explains the role of drug cartels in Mexico? The power of the drug cartels is limited to the urban area of Mexico City. The drug cartels produce most of the drugs in Mexico and then distribute those drugs to both North and South America.

Q. What was the most significant cause of the Mexican Revolution?

The motives for waging the Mexican Revolution grew out of the belief that a few wealthy landowners could no longer continue the old ways of Spanish colonial rule; a feudal-like system called la encomienda.

Q. What were the economic changes of the Mexican Revolution?

Q. What were three effects of the Mexican-American War?

The war affected the US, specifically Texas, and Mexico. For Mexico, there was loss of life, economic ruin, and huge damage to property. For the US, they gained huge new pieces of land.

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What were the negative effects of the revolution on Mexican society?.
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