What will happen to the atoms or molecules of a substance when it freezes?

What will happen to the atoms or molecules of a substance when it freezes?

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Q. What will happen to the atoms or molecules of a substance when it freezes?

Freezing is the process that causes a substance to change from a liquid to a solid. Freezing occurs when the molecules of a liquid slow down enough that their attractions cause them to arrange themselves into fixed positions as a solid.

Q. What happens when things freeze?

Freezing happens when the molecules of a liquid get so cold that they slow down enough to hook onto each other, forming a solid crystal. For pure water, this happens at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and unlike most other solids, ice expands and is actually less dense than water.

Q. What happens to the structure of water when it freezes?

When frozen, water molecules take a more defined shape and arrange themselves in six-sided crystalline structures. The crystalline arrangement is less dense than that of the molecules in liquid form which makes the ice less dense than the liquid water. Thus water expands as it freezes, and ice floats atop water.

Q. Why is the arrangement of molecules different in ice and water?

The structure of liquid water (left) consists of molecules connected by short-lived hydrogen bonds because water is a fluid. In ice (right), the hydrogen bonds become permanent, resulting in an interconnected hexagonally-shaped framework of molecules. Ice is less dense than liquid water and so it floats.

Q. Is hydrogen bond present in ice?

In ice, the crystalline lattice is dominated by a regular array of hydrogen bonds which space the water molecules farther apart than they are in liquid water.

Q. Can you explain hydrogen bonding in ice?

In the solid state (ice), intermolecular interactions lead to a highly ordered but loose structure in which each oxygen atom is surrounded by four hydrogen atoms; two of these hydrogen atoms are covalently bonded to the oxygen atom, and the two others (at longer distances) are hydrogen bonded to the oxygen atom’s …

Q. Which bonding is present in ice?

Types of bond present in ice are covalent bonds and intermolecular hydrogen bonds.

Q. What is the attraction between molecules called?

Intermolecular forces are the forces of attraction or repulsion which act between neighboring particles (atoms, molecules, or ions ).

Q. Which molecules do not form hydrogen bonds with water?

Therefore, the answer is – option (d) – Hydrochloric acid. Additional information: Chlorine has a high electronegativity, but it does not show H-bonding since it has a greater size. It is formed between two different molecules of the same or different compounds. For example – H-bond in case of water molecules.

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What will happen to the atoms or molecules of a substance when it freezes?.
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