What’s the best month to buy a used car?

What’s the best month to buy a used car?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat’s the best month to buy a used car?

January, February, and December are the three best months to buy a used car, in that order. According to iSeeCars, in general, late fall and early winter are good times to purchase a used car with a deal.

Q. How many miles can a Ford Mondeo diesel engine do?

And it can typically cover more than 100,000 miles before you need to worry about the cambelt, clutch, diesel particulate filter, engine or suspension. The Mondeo is reasonably reliable.

Q. What is high mileage when buying a used car?

If you would like to drive your next used car for five years, for example, you’ll want to find a car that has at least another 75,000 miles of expected life ahead of it. With that in mind, a good mileage range for a used car would be between 75,000 and 100,000 miles, since many cars last beyond the 150,000-mile point.

Q. What do I need to know when buying a car from a dealer?

Here’s how to buy a car without getting over your head in debt or paying more than you have to.

  • Get preapproved for a loan before you set foot in a dealer’s lot.
  • Keep it simple at the dealership.
  • Don’t buy any add-ons at the dealership.
  • Beware longer-term six- or seven-year car loans.
  • Don’t buy too much car.

Q. How do I know if my car mileage is genuine?

A sticker inside the vehicle often reads when the car had its last oil change and what its mileage number was at the time. The interior of the car is evenly important. Examine the usage and wear of the wheel, gear lever and pedals and compare this to the mileage number on the odometer.

Q. Is changing the odometer illegal?

The law prohibits: Disconnecting or resetting the odometer with intent to change the mileage reading. Operating a vehicle with a nonfunctional odometer (with intent to defraud). Advertising, selling, using or installing a device, which causes an odometer to register incorrectly.

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What’s the best month to buy a used car?.
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