When the events of the story are told in the order in which they happen The story is told?

When the events of the story are told in the order in which they happen The story is told?

HomeArticles, FAQWhen the events of the story are told in the order in which they happen The story is told?

Q. When the events of the story are told in the order in which they happen The story is told?

Explanation: Chronology (In Greek Khronos means time and logos means word/study) is the arrangement of events in the order of occurrence. In story-writing or narration, therefore, the arrangement of events in the sequence of occurrence is termed Chronological Order.

Q. Which sequence of events is in chronological order?

In a chronological sequence the author uses the order of events, or chronology, to inform readers about events or content. The events may be organised by time or date, by arranging events as a series of steps or by following a list-like structure. Chronological sequencing is commonly used in nonfiction texts.

Q. What type of writing is in chronological order?

expository writing

Q. What is the arrangement of events in the order of the dates on which they happened called?

Chronology (from Latin chronologia, from Ancient Greek χρόνος, chrónos, “time”; and -λογία, -logia) is the science of arranging events in their order of occurrence in time.

Q. What is a synonym for chronology?

Synonyms. written record timeline written account. Antonyms. preceding anterograde synchronization asynchronism.

Q. What is the opposite of chronology?

“Temporal” simply pertains to time (even though the typical mode of temporality could be said to be chronological), and “atemporal” would mean “without time” or “unrelated to time”. non-chronological or nonlinear works far better.

Q. What is not chronological?

A non-chronological narrative is a narrative technique in which the storyline is told out of chronological order. Instead of starting at the earliest point in time and presenting events in the order in which they happened, a non-chronological story might work its way backwards or jump around in time.

Q. What is the antonym of chronological?

What is the opposite of chronological?


Q. What does anti chronology mean?

Adjective. antichronological (not comparable) In reversed chronological order; working backwards through time.

Q. What is a synonym for Chronicle?

chronicle(verb) To record in or as in a chronicle. Synonyms: prehistory, journal, chronicon, annals, archives, report, version, story, register, recountal, recital, narration, diary, history, record.

Q. What is another word for chronometer?

What is another word for chronometer?

tickerdigital watch
wristwatchsmall clock

Q. What is the purpose of a chronometer?

Chronometer, portable timekeeping device of great accuracy, particularly one used for determining longitude at sea. Although there were a couple of earlier isolated uses, the word was originally employed in 1779 by the English clock maker John Arnold to describe his sensationally accurate pocket chronometer “no.

Q. What is the antonym of clock?

What is the opposite of clock?


Q. What is another name of synchronization?

In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for synchronize, like: concur, coincide, simultaneous, agree, contemporize, desynchronize, initialise, synchronise, contemporise, synchronization and synchronisation.

Q. What does synchronized mean?

verb (used with object), syn·chro·nized, syn·chro·niz·ing. to cause to indicate the same time, as one timepiece with another: Synchronize your watches. to cause to go on, move, operate, work, etc., at the same rate and exactly together: They synchronized their steps and walked on together.

Q. Why do we use synchronized?

1) The synchronized keyword in Java provides locking, which ensures mutually exclusive access to the shared resource and prevents data race. 2) synchronized keyword also prevents reordering of code statement by the compiler which can cause a subtle concurrent issue if we don’t use synchronized or volatile keyword.

Q. What is a synchronized method?

Synchronized methods enable a simple strategy for preventing thread interference and memory consistency errors: if an object is visible to more than one thread, all reads or writes to that object’s variables are done through synchronized methods.

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When the events of the story are told in the order in which they happen The story is told?.
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