Where does hydroelectric work best? – Internet Guides
Where does hydroelectric work best?

Where does hydroelectric work best?

HomeArticles, FAQWhere does hydroelectric work best?

Q. Where does hydroelectric work best?

Washington has the most conventional hydroelectric generating capacity of any state and is the site of the Grand Coulee Dam, the largest U.S. hydropower facility and the largest U.S. power plant in generation capacity.

Q. How do you store hydroelectric power?

Pumped hydroelectric storage facilities store energy in the form of water in an upper reservoir, pumped from another reservoir at a lower elevation. During periods of high electricity demand, power is generated by releasing the stored water through turbines in the same manner as a conventional hydropower station.

Q. What are hydroelectric power stations used for?

Put very simply, hydroelectric power is generated using flowing water to spin a turbine which turns a shaft that’s connected to an electric generator. More often than not, hydroelectric dams are used to direct the water downward through the turbine in a way which can be controlled to maximise energy production.

Q. Which plant can never have 100% load factor?

Power Generation Economics : Multiple Choice Questions (D) 1.0. 19. Which plant can never have 100% load factor ? (D) Base load plant.

Q. What is average load factor?

The load factor is a dimensionless number equal to the average load divided by the peak load. For example, if the average load is 66 kWh/d (or 2.75 kW) and the peak load is 10.5 kW, the load factor is 2.75 kW/10.5 kW = 0.26.

Q. What is a high load factor?

A high load factor — anything over 70% — is considered good. It means that your peak demand curve is relatively level. It’s an indication that you’re spreading out your demand, resulting in a lower peak demand charge. A lower load factor means that you have a higher peak demand compared to your average load.

Q. Which domestic utility item has highest power rating?

Electric iron

Q. Which power plant has maximum operating cost?

Power Generation/Comparison

Power StationRankInitial Cost
Steam Power station2Are lower than those of Hydro & Nuclear.
Hydro Power station3Are very high because of dam construction.
Diesel Power station1Lowest compared to all other power stations.
Nuclear Power station4Highest due to complex nuclear reactors.

Q. Which of the following power plant is least reliable?

Since wind is not constant at all places all the time, thus making wind energy the least reliable source.

Q. During which season load on power system is maximum?

In winter, due to the cold weather and supply and use of heating system because of cheap electric charges, heating load occurs, with heating load steadily taking up more proportion among winter maximum load, consequently.

Q. What is the range of Extra High Voltage?

EHV, HV & MV Installations

S.No.Voltage ClassMax. Voltage under Normal Conditions
1Low250 V
2Medium650 V
3High33,000 V
4Extra High> 33,000 V

Q. How can we improve power factor?

You can improve power factor by adding power factor correction capacitors to your plant distribution system. When apparent power (kVA) is greater than working power (kW), the utility must supply the excess reactive current plus the working current . Power capacitors act as reactive current generators .

Q. What is Corona formula?

En = 1/(√3)×line voltage. Peek’s formula is applicable for decided visual corona. This formula the gives the inaccurate result when the losses are low, and En/Eo is less than 1.8.

Q. What is Corona radius?

The corona radiata is a highly cellular layer with an intercellular matrix consisting of proteins and a high concentration of carbohydrates, especially hyaluronic acid.

Q. How does Corona effect?

The new coronavirus latches its spiky surface proteins to receptors on healthy cells, especially those in your lungs. Specifically, the viral proteins bust into cells through ACE2 receptors. Once inside, the coronavirus hijacks healthy cells and takes command. Eventually, it kills some of the healthy cells.

Q. What is corona physics?

noun. an electrical discharge appearing on and around the surface of a charged conductor, caused by ionization of the surrounding gas. Also called: corona.

Q. What is Corona power loss?

When the potential difference between two conductors of transmission line raised beyond a certain limit, at a point is reached when a violet glow appears around the conductor surface with a hissing noise and ozone gas smell this phenomenon called Corona and this causes corona power loss in the transmission line.

Q. What is Corona of Sun?

Definition: Corona is a luminous envelope of plasma that surrounds the Sun and other celestial bodies. It is extended to millions of kilometres into space and is commonly seen during a total solar eclipse. Description: The corona of the Sun is much hotter than its visible surface.

Q. What is corona voltage?

Corona Discharge (also known as the Corona Effect) is an electrical discharge caused by the ionization of a fluid such as air surrounding a conductor that is electrically charged. This is common in high voltage electric power transmission lines.

Q. Why corona loss is less in HVDC?

All Answers (3) Because In DC field negatively charged particles move from negative pole conductor to positive pole conductor continuously and steadily. Naturally they do not tend to remain near the surface of negative pole conductor thats why corrona loss less in negative polarity HVDC homopolar line.

Q. What are the types of insulators?

A look at some types of insulators and the conditions under which they are deployed.

  • Pin-type insulators.
  • Line post insulators.
  • Suspension insulators.
  • Strain insulators.
  • Shackle insulators.
  • Post insulators.
  • Cap and pin insulators.
  • Stay insulators.

Q. What are 4 types of insulators?

Types of Insulators

  • Types of Insulators.
  • Pin Insulator.
  • Suspension Insulators.
  • Strain Type Insulators.
  • Shackle Insulators.
  • Disc Insulator.
  • Polymer Insulator.
  • Glass Insulator.

Q. What are three examples of insulators?

Examples of insulators include plastics, Styrofoam, paper, rubber, glass and dry air. The division of materials into the categories of conductors and insulators is a somewhat artificial division.

Q. Which type of insulator is used in where?

Post Insulator

SLPin Insulator
1It is generally used up to 33KV system
2It is single stag
3Conductor is fixed on the top of the insulator by binding
4Two insulators cannot be fixed together for higher voltage application

Q. Which insulator is used for corner?

In order to sustain this great tension, strain insulators are used at dead ends or sharp corners. For high voltage transmission lines, stain insulator consists of an assembly of suspension insulators. In this case, the suspension string is arranged horizontally and the insulator discs are in vertical plane.

Q. Is water an insulator?

Well actually, pure water is an excellent insulator and does not conduct electricity.

Q. Is Diamond an insulator?

Diamond normally has a very wide bandgap of 5.6 electron volts, meaning that it is a strong electrical insulator that electrons do not move through readily.

Q. What’s harder than diamond?

Scientists have calculated that wurtzite boron nitride and lonsdaleite (hexagonal diamond) both have greater indentation strengths than diamond. Source: English Wikipedia. (PhysOrg.com) — Currently, diamond is regarded to be the hardest known material in the world.

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