Where is RNA found in the nucleus? – Internet Guides
Where is RNA found in the nucleus?

Where is RNA found in the nucleus?

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Q. Where is RNA found in the nucleus?


Q. Why is the nucleolus darkly stained?

rRNA is densely arranged in nucleolus so when it comes in the contact with the dye. It accumulates more amount of dye and because of more dye, it looks darkly stained under the microscope.

Q. What happens inside the nucleolus dark part inside nucleus?

A darkly staining area within the nucleus called the nucleolus (plural = nucleoli) aggregates the ribosomal RNA with associated proteins to assemble the ribosomal subunits that are then transported out through the pores in the nuclear envelope to the cytoplasm.

Q. Why is the nucleolus important in a cell?

The nucleolus is considered as the brain of the nucleus, covering nearly 25% volume of the nucleus. Primarily, it takes part in the production of subunits that unites to form ribosomes. Hence, nucleolus plays an important role in the synthesis of proteins and in the production of ribosomes in eukaryotic cells.

Q. Is RNA found in chromatin?

Chromatin is a complex of macromolecules composed of DNA, RNA, and protein, which is found inside the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.

Q. What diseases are associated with the nucleolus?

Alterations in nucleolar function and ribosome biogenesis have a noticeable association with several major disease pathologies such as neurological diseases (viz. Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Huntington’s disease) and cardiovascular pathophysiologies (viz.

Q. What charge does the nucleus have?


Q. Is a nucleus positive or negative?

The nucleus has an overall positive charge as it contains the protons. Every atom has no overall charge (neutral). This is because they contain equal numbers of positive protons and negative electrons. These opposite charges cancel each other out making the atom neutral.

Q. What is the smallest subatomic particle?

The smallest particle is the quark, the basic building block of hadrons. There are two types of hadrons: baryons (three quarks) and mesons (one quark, one antiquark). Protons and the neutrons are stable baryons.

Q. What is the smallest thing in universe?

Quarks, the smallest particles in the universe, are far smaller and operate at much higher energy levels than the protons and neutrons in which they are found.

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