Which approach to conflict involves a high degree of concern for both self and others with the goal of solving problems not my way or your way but our way?

Which approach to conflict involves a high degree of concern for both self and others with the goal of solving problems not my way or your way but our way?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich approach to conflict involves a high degree of concern for both self and others with the goal of solving problems not my way or your way but our way?

Collaboration (Win-Win): involves a high degree of concern for both self and others, with the goal of solving problems not “my way” or “your way” but “our way.”

Q. What is probably the most important cultural factor in shaping attitudes toward conflict?

Perhaps the most important cultural factor in shaping attitudes toward conflict is an orientation toward individualism or collectivism. assertive behavior in the U.S. may be regarded as rude in Latin American cultures.

Q. When a communicator expresses hostility in an ambiguous way it’s called?

When a communicator expresses hostility in an obscure or manipulative way, his or her behavior is called passive aggression. Passive aggressive behaviors and people are pretty easy to spot. Those engaging in passive aggressive behavior drop subtle hostile aggressiveness.

Q. What are the seven steps to use in Win Win conflict resolution?

The 7 Steps to Resolve a Conflict

  1. Step 1: Agree to talk and establish ground rules for the discussion.
  2. Step 2: Take turns in explaining your feelings and thoughts about the situation.
  3. Step 3: Identify the conflict.
  4. Step 4: Take turns in exploring options to resolve the conflict.
  5. Step 5: Agree on a solution.

Q. What is effective in conflict resolution?

Conflict resolution requires strong verbal and non-verbal communication skills. As conflict often involves high emotions, active listening can help to discharge some of that emotional energy and lead to more fruitful dialogue. Listening well requires patience, focus, presence and paraphrasing.

Q. What should not be said in conflict resolution?

7 phrases you can’t say in conflict resolution

  • Let’s compromise. Compromise is the dirtiest word of conflict resolution, because compromise isn’t the goal, it’s the fallback if nothing better can be achieved.
  • Don’t take it personally.
  • He’s a difficult person.
  • She can’t handle change.
  • Be respectful.
  • Control yourself.
  • I don’t have a Number 7.

Q. What are conflict management skills?

What Are Conflict Management Skills? Employees with strong conflict resolution skills are able to effectively handle workplace issues. Individuals who handle conflict in a respectful, optimistic way create the chance for growth and learning within an organization.

Q. How do you prepare for conflict?

How to Hold a Real, Necessary Conflict or Confrontation

  1. Start by preparing yourself to confront the real issue.
  2. Make your initial statement and stop talking.
  3. Avoid arguing during the confrontation.
  4. Figure out the conflict resolution you want before the confrontation.
  5. Focus on the real issue of the confrontation.

Q. How do you prepare for a difficult meeting?


  1. Try to start with an honest, positive statement about the other person that conveys respect, even though you may have a serious disagreement.
  2. Do not debate – either aloud, or silently.
  3. Listen with an open mind.
  4. Saving face can help move things forward.
  5. Manage your own emotions, language and behavior.
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Which approach to conflict involves a high degree of concern for both self and others with the goal of solving problems not my way or your way but our way?.
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