Which breed of cow is the biggest producer of milk in the UK?

Which breed of cow is the biggest producer of milk in the UK?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich breed of cow is the biggest producer of milk in the UK?


Q. What is the highest milk producing cow?


Q. Which breed of cattle has the largest worldwide breed registry?

Angus cattle

Q. Which breed of bovine is used more for their milk production?

Q. What kind of livestock is most profitable?

Beef cattle

Q. What animal is most profitable to breed?

Chickens. Chickens are possibly the most popular animal to raise and breed for profit. Chickens provide many products including meat for food and eggs. Some chicken farmers even sell chicken manure as fertilizer.

Q. How many bales of hay does a cow eat per month?

The simple answer is that 6-9 round bales are needed to feed a cow over the winter. That’s one round bale of good quality hay per month.

Q. How many bales of hay should a horse have a day?

A horse can eat anywhere from 15-25 pounds of hay a day, which generally equates to a half of a 45/50-pound square bale of hay per day (~15-30 bales per month). Always remember to take into consideration the quality of your hay. If the nutrient quality is poor, then the horse will require more hay (by weight).

Q. Which cutting of hay is best for horses?

The most common choice of hay is second cutting, but first cutting is also good for horses, plus it is usually cheaper than the other two. Choose hay that is soft, green, and leafy, with thin stems, so it is easier for horses to eat.

Q. How long does a square bale of hay last one horse?

about 3.5 days

Q. How long will a round bale of hay last one horse?

about 8-10 days

Q. How many acres do you need for 2 horses?

If you are attempting to figure the carrying capacity of land for a horse, then a good rule of thumb is 1-1/2 to 2 acres of open intensely managed land per horse. Two acres, if managed properly, should provide adequate forage in the form of pasture and/or hay ground. But this is highly variable depending on location.

Q. Can a horse survive on hay alone?

So to answer your question, yes, a horse can live on just hay and be perfectly healthy.

Q. How much hay should a 1000 pound horse eat a day?

The average 1000 pound horse must eat approximately 10 to 20 pounds of hay every day according to LSU.

Q. Is it OK to feed a horse once a day?

Generally, most horses do well grazing on high-quality grass pastures and hay and don’t need grain. However, feeding a horse once a day is acceptable if done correctly. If you feed your horse once a day, make sure that they can’t finish their food in less than 12 to 14 hours.

Q. How many bales of hay do horses need?

A 500 kg horse eats about 5 kg (12 lbs) of hay each day. If 1 bale of hay weighs 60 lbs, how many days worth of hay will you get from one bale for one horse? Answer: 60 ÷ 12 = 5.

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