Which change of state is shown in the model condensation?

Which change of state is shown in the model condensation?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich change of state is shown in the model condensation?


Q. Why does the temperature stay the same during a change of state?

The temperature remains constant during the change of state because the heat energy which is supplied to change the state of matter is used in breaking the intermolecular forces and other attractive forces. Hence the temperature remains constant as all the heat is used up and no external heat is released or absorbed.

Q. Is a change of state reversible?

State changes are reversible – ice can be melted and then frozen again. No new elements or compounds are formed. bonds between particles break when a substance melts or evaporates, or sublimes to form a gas from a solid.

Q. Which change of state is the reverse of condensation Brainly?


Q. What happens if atoms lose energy during a change of state quizlet?

Atoms lose energy as a gas changes to a solid. Atoms gain energy as a solid changes to a liquid. If atoms energy during a change of state, they are pulled together by attractive forces and become more organized.

Energy is related to the change of state represented by the model in this way – C. Atoms lose energy as a gas changes to a solid. Explanation: As a certain gas is changing its state into that of a solid material, its atoms are going to lose some energy.

Q. Which change of state is shown in the mode?

Answer Expert Verified. I believe the change of state shown in the model is deposition. Deposition is a process in which gases change phase and turns directly in solids without passing through the liquid phase. It is the opposite of sublimation.

Q. During which change of state would the volume of substance increase the most?

Q. How does volume change with pressure?

When the volume decreases, the pressure increases. This shows that the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume. So increasing pressure from pressure 1 to pressure 2 means that volume 1 will change to volume 2, providing the temperature remains constant.

Q. How does volume change with temperature?

So, that means that volume is directly proportional to temperature. Even then, since we increase the temperature inside a material, the molecules’ kinetic energy increases and they start to vibrate more and move around further from each other, therefore accounting for an increase in volume.

Q. Does oil volume change with temperature?

Yes, it is true that a liquid, such as Petrol or Diesel fuel will change in volume based on temperature. The colder the liquid is, the more dense it will be and the less space it will occupy. You have 100 liters of a lubricating oil with a density of 954 kg/m3 at 150°C.

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Which change of state is shown in the model condensation?.
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