Which country has low literacy rate? – Internet Guides
Which country has low literacy rate?

Which country has low literacy rate?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich country has low literacy rate?

The countries with the lowest literacy rate, defined as the ability to read and write at a specified age….Lowest Literacy Rates.

Q. How educated is El Salvador?

Education is free through the ninth grade (up to age 14), but only 82% of children make it this far). 6% of Salvadoran children never attend any school. 33% of the children old enough for secondary school actually attend. The adult literacy is 79% for men and 73% for women.

Q. What is the female literacy rate in El Salvador?


1.South Sudan27.0%
4.Burkina Faso28.7

Q. What is US literacy rate 2020?

Our average literacy score of 270 (global literacy rate: 273) out of 500 puts U.S. adults at Level 2, or below-basic, literacy.

Q. What state has the highest illiteracy rate?

The adult literacy rate measures literacy among persons age 15 and older….Here are the 10 states with the highest literacy rates:

  • New Hampshire (94.20%)
  • Minnesota (94.00%)
  • North Dakota (93.70%)
  • Vermont (93.40%)
  • South Dakota (93.00%)
  • Nebraska (92.70%)
  • Wisconsin (92.70%)
  • Maine (92.60%)

Q. Was the US ever number 1 in education?

As recently as 20 years ago, the United States was ranked No. 1 in high school and college education. Much of the boom in American education during the second half of the 20th century was fueled by the Montgomery G.I. In 2009, the United States was ranked 18th out of 36 industrialized nations.

Q. Which state is number 1 in education?

New Jersey is the top state for education. It’s followed by Massachusetts, Florida, Washington and Colorado to round out the top five.

Q. Which country has the most advanced education?

The 12 Most Educated Countries in the World

  1. South Korea (69.8 percent)
  2. Canada (63 percent)
  3. Russia (62.1 percent)
  4. Japan (61.5 percent)
  5. Ireland (55.4 percent)
  6. Lithuania (55.2 percent)
  7. Luxembourg (55 percent)
  8. Switzerland (52.7 percent)

Q. Which country is #1 in Education 2021?

Based on this list, the United Kingdom comes out on top as having the world’s best education system. In second place is the United States, about 70% of graduates go on to a higher education program. In third place is Canada, followed by Germany and France.

Q. What is the smartest state in the US?

This Is the Smartest State in America, According to Data

  • New Hampshire.
  • New York. Average IQ score: 100.7.
  • Virginia. Average IQ score: 101.9.
  • Minnesota. Average IQ score: 103.7.
  • Connecticut. Average IQ score: 103.1.
  • Vermont. Average IQ score: 103.8.
  • New Jersey. Average IQ score: 102.8.
  • Massachusetts. Average IQ score: 104.3.

Q. What state has the poorest education?

Overall, 88.61% of Americans over the age of 25 had graduated from high school in 2019, with the highest level found in the state of Wyoming at 94.55% and the lowest in the state of California at 84.03%. In Puerto Rico, the proportion was even lower, though, at 78.78%.

Q. What state ranks lowest in education?

Main Findings

Overall RankState‘Educational Attainment’
50West Virginia50
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Which country has low literacy rate?.
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