Which events could have caused this plateau to form?

Which events could have caused this plateau to form?

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Q. Which events could have caused this plateau to form?

They are also called as tablelands due to their structure. A plateau might form when the magma inside the Earth cooled and is raised above the surface of the Earth’s crust. It can also be caused due to an erosion of a mountain generating lava.

Q. What is one way a plateau can form?

Many plateaus form as magma deep inside the Earth pushes toward the surface but fails to break through the crust. Instead, the magma lifts up the large, flat, impenetrable rock above it.

Q. What is a plateau quizlet?

Plateau. a flat, elevated land form that rises sharply above surrounding areas on at least one side, they occur in every continent and take up one-third of earths land. dissected plateaus. forms as a result of upward movement in the Earth’s crust.

Q. What is the difference between a plain and a plateau?

Plain is an un-raised flat area. Plateau is a raised area of land with a flat top.

Q. What is a large raised area of mostly level land?

plateau. defintion. large raised area of mostly level land. sentence: central plateau makes up more than half of the country’s area.

Q. What are some raised areas of land?

3rd grade Landforms

plateaua large area of flat land that is raised higher than the land around it
mountaina large, tall, rocky area of land that comes up out of the earth’s surface
hilla mound of raised land that is smaller than a mountain
canyona large crack in the earth formed by a river or earthquakes

Q. What is a naturally raised area of land?

Island. A naturally raised area of land, not as high as a mountain. Hill. A large body of water surrounded by land. Lake.

Q. Who is the God of Neithal?

Neithal—Seashore Kadalon, the water god, is worshiped in Neithal. The inhabitants were known as parathavar, nulaiyar and umanar whose occupations included fishing, coastal trade, pearl diving and salt manufacturing.

Q. What are the four themes of mullai land?

List four themes of Mullai land God – Thirumal People – Idaiyar, Idaichiyar Occupation – Cattle rearing, gathering fruits Plants / flowers – Guava/ Mullai flower Page 8 3. What do you know about Sembulam? Mullai land is called as ‘Sembulam’ due to the presence of red soil.

Q. What are the themes of Palai?

The main themes in Palai are; food- rye, occupation- robbery, people or inhabitants- Eyinar, maravar and kalvar flowers- Patirippu and kongam pu, God- Kotravai. Their settlements were known as kurumpu.

Q. What are the five landscapes of the ancient Tamilagam?

Five landscape of ancient tamilnadu(kurinji , mullai, marutham, neythal, palai)

Q. How the Palai region is formed?

Palai was the dry, semi arid zone. As such there is no desert land in ancient Tamil country, the landscapes of Kurinji and Mullai, during the dry climate or in the time of rain failure, became parched and resulted in the formation of Palai land.

Q. What is tinai?

A thinai consists of a complete poetical landscape – a definite time, place, season in which the poem is set – and background elements characteristic of that landscape – including flora and fauna, inhabitants, deities and social organisation. …

Q. What do you know about the five land divisions of ancient Tamilnadu?

These are Kurinji, or mountainous regions; Mullai, or forests; Marudham, the fertile croplands and plains; Neidhal, or the seashore, and Palai, the desert or wasteland.

Q. What is English Thinai?

Foxtail millet known as thinai in Tamil, Kangni/Rala in Hindi, Navane in Kannada, Korra in telugu and thina in Malayalam is first of millet varities that was used in ancient days. Foxtail millet is high in carbohydrates. It is rich in dietry fiber and minerals such as Copper and Iron.

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Which events could have caused this plateau to form?.
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