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Which gas absorbs some of the harmful insulation?

Which gas absorbs some of the harmful insulation?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich gas absorbs some of the harmful insulation?

Molecules of carbon dioxide (CO2) can absorb energy from infrared (IR) radiation. This animation shows a molecule of CO2 absorbing an incoming infrared photon (yellow arrows). The energy from the photon causes the CO2 molecule to vibrate.

Q. Which ocean current has the greatest warming influence?

One of the strongest currents in the world, the Agulhas Current flows along the east coast of South Africa, transporting warm, salty water away from the tropics toward the poles.

Q. Which area is the most common source region for cold?

Answer Expert Verified. The area that is the most common source region for cold, dry air masses that move over New York State is central Canada. These cold, dry air masses are called Continental polar (cP) or continental arctic (cA) air masses.

Q. At which location in New York state is the sun lowest in the sky at solar noon?


Q. Which direction will the sun rise June 21?

What statement best describes the position of the sun at sunrise and sunset as seen by an observer in new york state on june 21? the sun rises north due of east and sets north due of west.

Q. Which factor has the greatest influence on the number of daylight hours?

Our amount of daylight hours depends on our latitude and how Earth orbits the sun. Earth’s axis of rotation is tilted from its orbital plane and always points in the same direction — toward the North Star.

Q. What day has the longest duration of insolation *?

The greatest intensity of insolation is during solar noon at both locations. The duration of insolation increases and decreases throughout the year and is greatest during the summer solstice, June 21, when we receive 15 hours of daylight and only 9 hours of daylight on December 21.

Q. Which location on earth has the least change in daylight hours?

The Northern Hemisphere has the fewest hours of daylight, and the North Pole is tilted away from the sun.

Q. Which country has 12 hours day and 12 hours night?

Meanwhile, in Quito, Ecuador, almost exactly on the equator, the sun rises at 6:18 a.m. and sets at 6:24 p.m., and the day length, like every other day of the year, is 12 hours and 6 minutes.

Q. Which country has no sunrise?

Located over 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle, Tromsø, Norway, is home to extreme light variation between seasons. During the Polar Night, which lasts from November to January, the sun doesn’t rise at all. Then the days get progressively longer until the Midnight Sun period, from May to July, when it never sets.

Q. Which country has the shortest day?


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