Which is likely to be the moral or theme of this passage the lion and the mouse?

Which is likely to be the moral or theme of this passage the lion and the mouse?

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Q. Which is likely to be the moral or theme of this passage the lion and the mouse?

Explanation: Little friends may prove great friends is the correct answer because the tiny mouse, while not great in size, proved to be a great friend when the lion needed him.

Q. What is a theme of this passage?

The theme in the given comprehension passage is just the “Message from the author – what he/she wants to convey to the readers.” So, try to understand what the writer wants to convey to the readers. Try to find out the message the author wants to convey to the readers. This message is exactly the theme.

Q. What is the theme of the passage Heidi?

Heidi finds this change in atmosphere and company hard and difficult, with her need to adjust to everything new. Thus, the main theme of the given passage is to show that change is at times difficult to adjust to.

Q. What is theme not?

Theme is not the moral of the story which tells a moral imperative- something readers should or should not do, usually illustrated with consequences.

Q. What is the central idea of poem have you ever seen?

The theme of the poem is such that it makes the reader of the poem laugh and is full of enthusiasm. The poet has elaborated it by using appropriate words which makes the poem attractive. ι нope мy anѕwer нelped!!

Q. What is the main theme of Gitanjali?

The major theme in Gitanjali is devotion to God. This paper focuses on the Indian philosophical aspects and the theme of devotion in Rabindranath Tagore s Gitanjali. Gitanjali focuses on the all-pervading presence of God everywhere. Gitanjali brings its readers into direct contact with the Infinite.

Q. What is the meaning of Gitanjali?

Song offering

Q. What is the English version of Gitanjali?

Gītāñjali, a collection of poetry, the most famous work by Rabindranath Tagore, published in India in 1910. Tagore then translated it into prose poems in English, as Gitanjali: Song Offerings, and it was published in 1912 with an introduction by William Butler Yeats.

Q. In what ways the title Gitanjali is appropriate answer?

The title “Gitanjali” is appropriate because as the title suggests it is an offering of songs. The word Gitanjali is a combination of two words ‘geet’ meaning ‘songs’ and ‘anjali’ meaning offering. The word ‘anjali’ is used to refer to ‘prayerful offering. ‘ So, it is more like a prayerful offering of songs.

Q. What is the poet trying to express in the poem Gitanjali?

Answer: He expresses his desire to sing Him hymns during the time of hardship and suffering. The poet knows it very well that remembering God at the time of pain and agony is much easier than worshipping Him during the moments of success and happiness.

Q. Who authored Gitanjali?

Rabindranath Tagore

Q. How is the central idea of Gitanjali 50 represented by the poet?

Through a parable Tagore’s Gitanjali (NO. 50) conveys to us an idea of the value of charity, love and sacrifice- a spiritual message. God, disguised as a raj beggar, asked for alms from the poet beggar who had himself been going about, asking for alms because he himself had felt the pangs of poverty.

Q. Who translated Gitanjali Bengali to English?

Q. What is the mood of the poem where the mind is without fear?

In the poem Where the Mind is Without Fear, the poet Rabindranath Tagore is rather sorrowful for the ignorance, illiteracy, disunity, laziness and narrow-mindedness of his countrymen. He thinks actual freedom cannot be enjoyed without possessing good virtues.

Q. What is the message of Tagore in Gitanjali to the world?

He believes that relationship of soul with God, needs the relationship with the man. Tagore says that the God lies among the human beings. He is in you, me and every living being so to love everyone in this world is to love the Almighty and to serve mankind is to serve the Supreme, Immanent will.

Q. How does Tagore offer his song as prayer to God?

Tagore prays that God will strike at the root of “penury” in his heart. This “penury,” or spiritual poverty, originates from the elevation of Self. Tagore continues his song by praying for strength. Next, Tagore prays for strength to rise above “daily trifles” or the material considerations of life.

Q. Why does the poet ask God to give him?

Answer: The poet prays to the Almighty asking Him to awaken his country into a heaven of freedom, where the people are all truly free and total freedom of good actions exists, while respecting those of others.

Q. Why does the poet want God to strike at his heart?

Answer. Answer: The poet prays to God to strike at his heart so that he could bear the joys and sorrows of poverty and he also prays to God to remove hard heartedness and fill up his heart with love and passion.

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Which is likely to be the moral or theme of this passage the lion and the mouse?.
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