Which is the most ancient science?

Which is the most ancient science?

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Q. Where was writing in ancient period?

Scholars generally agree that the earliest form of writing appeared almost 5,500 years ago in Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq). Early pictorial signs were gradually substituted by a complex system of characters representing the sounds of Sumerian (the language of Sumer in Southern Mesopotamia) and other languages.

Q. Which book was based on management in ancient times?

Ashtadhyayi book

Q. What is ancient management?

4. MANAGEMENT IN THE ANCIENT CIVILIZATION  Management existed even during the ancient civilization. People of the olden days where food gatherers, making their living by hunting, fishing and collecting nuts and berries. Even during the primitive period some aspects of management was prevalent.

Q. Which country is credited for the birth of management?


Q. Who is father of scientific management?

Frederick Winslow Taylor

Q. Who is father of general management?

Henry fayol

Q. Who is called the father of management?

Peter F. Drucker

Q. Who is the father of management in India?

Ratan Tata

Q. What is a modern management?

Modern management, also called modern endpoint management, is the process for managing legacy and modern applications in a unified way by providing enhanced oversight, security, and awareness to IT departments.

Q. What is a modern device?

Modern device management is the practice of combining cloud-based management and security features to empower users to be secure and productive on any device, anywhere. To achieve Microsoft’s vision of modern management, a device must be managed by Intune.

Q. What are the modern techniques of hospital management?

There are various techniques, which are available for good governance of the hospitals: The Feedback Loop, Time Series analysis, Value Analysis, Break-Even Analysis, Operations Research, Strategic Planning, Forecasting, Statistical Quality Control, Management by Objectives, Quality Circle, Management Problem Solving …

Q. What is a modern theory?

Definition: The Modern Theory is the integration of valuable concepts of the classical models with the social and behavioral sciences. This theory posits that an organization is a system that changes with the change in its environment, both internal and external.

Q. What is the modern concept of origin of life?

In the modern theory, the hypothesis of abiogenesis was proposed with a condition that the non-living materials can give rise to life in the condition of primitive earth. The condition of the primitive earth is different from the present conditions which donot permit abiogenesis.

Q. What is modern theory of rent?

According to modern theory, economic rent is a surplus which is not peculiar to land alone. It can be a part of income of labour, capital, entrepreneur. According to modern version rent is a surplus which arises due to difference between actual earning and transfer earning.

Q. What is modern theory of wages?

Modern theory of wages regards wages as a price of labour. As we know, prices of all commodities are determined by their usual supply and demand in the market. According to this approach also wages are determined by the interaction of market forces of demand and supply of labour.

Q. Why rent is a surplus?

Economic rent is also termed as surplus as it is received by landlord without any effort. Income alone received by land cannot be rent. It is so because different factors have different uses. As such, each factor will be used for that purpose in which its income is maximum.

Q. How many types of rent are there?

Rents are of following types: Gross Rent. 2. Contract Rent.

Q. Why does rent exist?

Rent is the share paid to freeholders for allowing production on the land they control. As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce.

Q. Who benefits from rent control?

Different types. Rent controls must grant renters greater security over their tenancy and also regulate the rents that they pay. Both are necessary, as otherwise landlords could force tenants to leave in spite of any security by raising their rents prohibitively.

Q. Are landlords good for the economy?

Rental-centered economies can have benefits over homeownership-centred economies. If there are enough incentives and rules for landlords to look after their property, but not enough leeway to exploit renters for profit, then renting can be a great source of stable and secure housing for most people in the economy.

Q. What is true rent control?

Vacancy control (“true rent control”): In this scenario, when a tenant moves out, the landlord can only raise the rent to the limit set by a rent control board. The rent can only be raised by a limited amount each year.

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