Which of the following is correct in a fully developed region of the pipe flow? – Internet Guides
Which of the following is correct in a fully developed region of the pipe flow?

Which of the following is correct in a fully developed region of the pipe flow?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich of the following is correct in a fully developed region of the pipe flow?

In a fully developed region of the pipe flow, It can be said that in a fully developed flow, the pressure gradient balances the wall shear stress only and has a constant value at any section.

Q. What is a fully developed flow?

Fully developed flow implies that the velocity profile does not change in the fluid flow direction hence the momentum also does not change in the flow direction. In such a case, the pressure in the flow direction will balance the shear stress near the wall.

Q. What is fully developed flow in circular pipe?

Fully developed flow occurs when the viscous effects due to the shear stress between the fluid particles and pipe wall create a fully developed velocity profile. In order for this to occur the fluid must travel through a length of a straight pipe.

Q. Which of the following is an example of laminar flow?

A typical example of laminar flow is the flow of honey or thick syrup from a bottle. Turbulent flows are characterized by a mixing action throughout the flow field caused by eddies in the flow. Thus in turbulent flows the mixing due to molecular motion is superimposed by mixing due to eddies.

Q. Which of the following is an example of turbulent flow?

Common examples of turbulent flow are blood flow in arteries, oil transport in pipelines, lava flow, atmosphere and ocean currents, the flow through pumps and turbines, and the flow in boat wakes and around aircraft-wing tips.

Q. What type of flow can be taken for granted in a pipe of a uniform cross section?

Explanation: According to the continuity equation, ρAV =constant, where ρ= density, A= cross-sectional area of flow, V = velocity of flow. For a pipe of a uniform cross-section, no matter what the rate of flow is, the velocity of flow inside the pipe will always remain constant. Hence, it’ll always be a uniform flow.

Q. What are the reasons for minor head losses in a pipe?

Major losses occur due to the friction effect between the moving fluid and the walls of the pipe. The minor losses occur due to any disturbance that might occur to the flow, which is mainly caused by the installed fittings on the pipeline.

Q. Does head loss affect flow rate?

Head loss does not reduce the fluid velocity (consider a constant diameter pipe with a constant mass flow rate), and it will not be effect the elevation head of the fluid (consider a horizontal pipe with no elevation change from inlet to outlet).

Q. Which among the following is the correct format for Rayleigh’s method?

Which among the following is the correct format for Rayleigh’s method? Explanation: The correct format for Rayleigh’s method is D = f(l,ρ,μV,g). Where, D is the dimensional analysis, ‘f’ is the function, and the variables inside the bracket are the physical parameters to determine the function.

Q. Why the center of pressure is always below the centroid?

In general term, the center of pressure is located below centroid since pressure increase with depth. The determination of the center of pressure can be performed by equating the moments of the resultant and distributed forces about any arbitrary axis.

Q. What is the importance of the center of pressure?

The center of pressure is where the forces of lift and drag are exerted. It is important for engineers to know the center of pressure since it allows them to evenly balance the lift on aircraft.

Q. What is meant by Centre of pressure?

The center of pressure is the point where the total sum of a pressure field acts on a body, causing a force to act through that point. The total force vector acting at the center of pressure is the value of the integrated vectorial pressure field.

Q. What is center of pressure in aircraft?

Center of pressure of an aircraft is the point where the Lift acts. Aerodynamic center is the point in the wing where the pitching moments are constant. The neutral point is where the center of gravity of the aircraft is neutrally stable.

Q. Where should the center of pressure be on a rocket?

The conditions for a stable rocket are that the center of pressure must be located below the center of gravity.

Q. What is the difference between center of mass and center of pressure?

Center of Mass(COM) is a point on the body that moves as a representative of the body’s reaction to external forces. Center of Pressure(COP) is a temporally influenced measurement recorded by a force plate.

Q. What is difference between center and centroid?

When used as nouns, center means the point in the interior of a circle that is equidistant from all points on the circumference, whereas centroid means the point at the centre of any shape, sometimes called centre of area or centre of volume. for a triangle, the centroid is the point at which the medians intersect.

Q. Is Centre of mass equal to Centre of gravity?

Centre of mass is the point at which the distribution of mass is equal in all directions, and does not depend on gravitational field. Centre of gravity is the point at which the distribution of weight is equal in all directions, and does depend on gravitational field.

Q. Can Centre of mass lie outside the body?

The center of mass may be located outside the physical body, as is sometimes the case for hollow or open-shaped objects, such as a horseshoe.

Q. Is Centre of mass a reality?

Solution : No. The centre of mass of a system is a hypothetical point, where the entire mass of the body is supposed to be concentrated.

Q. Which body does not have Centre of mass?

Answer. Explanation: because pencil sphere and dice are solid objects bat Bangle is not.

Q. What is the significance of Centre of mass?

The interesting thing about the center of mass of an object or system is that it is the point where any uniform force on the object acts. This is useful because it makes it easy to solve mechanics problems where we have to describe the motion of oddly-shaped objects and complicated systems.

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