Which of the following is most likely to be considered a point source of water pollution quizlet?

Which of the following is most likely to be considered a point source of water pollution quizlet?

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Q. Which of the following is most likely to be considered a point source of water pollution quizlet?

Fertilizer in ponds or streams would most likely be considered point source pollution.

Q. How does BOD relate to dissolved oxygen and result in fish kills?

The greater the BOD, the more rapidly oxygen is depleted in the stream. This means less oxygen is available to higher forms of aquatic life. The consequences of high BOD are the same as those for low dissolved oxygen: aquatic organisms become stressed, suffocate, and die.

Q. What is the major difference in the fate of precipitation after urbanization or human development?

The impervious surface lining that results from urbanization reduces infiltration. This because water may not infiltrate past the impervious surface to the ground. Therefore, ground water infiltration decreases due to urbanization. Due to the impervious surface most of the precipitation forms surface run-off.

Q. What accounts for the highest percentage of the world’s total water consumption quizlet?

Answer: 1. That’s right. Worldwide agriculture accounts for almost 70 percent of all water use.

Q. Which of the following do humans use the most water for?

The bulk of the world’s water use is for agriculture, industry, and electricity. The most common water uses include: Drinking and Household Needs. Recreation.

Q. Where is most fresh water available for human consumption?

Over 68 percent of the fresh water on Earth is found in icecaps and glaciers, and just over 30 percent is found in ground water. Only about 0.3 percent of our fresh water is found in the surface water of lakes, rivers, and swamps.

Q. What are the main ways you consume fresh water?

To start, we all use water for drinking, washing, cleaning, cooking, and growing food—making it our most precious resource for survival. What adds to that daily household water use, is that even more water is used by industry to generate electricity, manufacture products, and transport people and goods.

Q. What are 20 uses of water?

We need water for drinking, cooking food, washing utensils, cleaning floor, brushing teeth, bathing, washing clothes, flushing toilets and watering plants.

Q. What are the two types of impurities in water?

These impurities in water are what we seek to exclude from drinking water. The types of impurities in water can include dust, dirt, harmful chemicals, biological contaminants, radiological contaminants, and total suspended solids (TSS).

Q. What are two types of impurities?

1.2 Types of impurities Impurities, present in various textiles, are of two types: natural and added.

Q. What kind of impurities can be present in water obtained from a river?

Answer. Sand, rock, silt , and organic matter flowing in rivers Makes it impure. Chemical impurities in river water include high levels of calcium, iron , magnesium, sodium and chlorides. These are the dissolved impurities.

Q. What are the chemical impurities of water?

Here we discuss the 8 main types of water contaminants, and how they can be prevented.

  • Microorganisms.
  • Viruses.
  • Pyrogens.
  • Dissolved Inorganic Ions.
  • Dissolved Organic Compounds.
  • Dissolved Gases.
  • Suspended Particles.
  • Colloidal Particles.

Q. What are the impurities present in ores called?

Ores mine from the earth are usually contaminated with large amount of impurities such as soil, sand etc known as gangue.

Q. What are ores?

Ore is natural rock or sediment that contains one or more valuable minerals, typically containing metals, that can be mined, treated and sold at a profit. Ore is extracted from the earth through mining and treated or refined, often via smelting, to extract the valuable metals or minerals.

Q. What is ore of copper?

Copper – Most copper ore bodies are mined from minerals created by weathering of the primary copper ore mineral chalcopyrite. Minerals in the enriched zone include chalcocite, bornite, djurleite. Minerals in the oxidized zones include malachite, azurite, chyrsocolla, cuprite, tenorite, native copper and brochantite.

Q. Why do we add impurities to ore?

Why do we aid impurities to electrolyte during electrolytic extraction of metals? electrolysis. Hence suitable impurities are added to the ore (electrolyte) to decrease its melting point.

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Which of the following is most likely to be considered a point source of water pollution quizlet?.
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