Which of the following is not a characteristic of Puritanism a Predestinationb Faithc original Sind salvation through good deeds?

Which of the following is not a characteristic of Puritanism a Predestinationb Faithc original Sind salvation through good deeds?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich of the following is not a characteristic of Puritanism a Predestinationb Faithc original Sind salvation through good deeds?

The correct answer is “predestination”.

Q. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Puritanism a predestination?

Answer Expert Verified The correct answer is D. One of the main characteristic of Puritanism that differentiated them from Christianism is the concept of predestination. They believed that only God could decide who was going to be saved.

Q. Is predestination a characteristic of Puritanism?

The moral and religious earnestness that was characteristic of Puritans was combined with the doctrine of predestination inherited from Calvinism to produce a “covenant theology,” a sense of themselves as the elect chosen by God to live godly lives both as individuals and as a community.

Q. Is original sin a characteristic of Puritanism?

Puritans adopted the basic principles of CALVINISM, including predestination. Puritans also believed in the concept of ORIGINAL SIN. You just studied 8 terms!

Q. How does original sin affect each and every person?

How does Original sin affect each and every person? Original Sin, inheriting the fallen condition introduced into the world by Adam and Eve. others words, we continue to sin. Because of this, Christ understood that those striving to live a Christian life would need a means of receiving God’s forgiveness.

Q. Is salvation through good deeds a characteristic of Puritanism?

Answer Expert Verified salvation through good deeds. Puritans heavily believed in the concept of predestination. They also have faith and original sin is also part of Puritanism. Though they absorbed some characteristics from other religions, salvation through good deeds isn’t one of them.

Q. What puritan values influenced neoclassical style?

Answer Expert Verified. The puritan value most seen in the neoclassical style is predetermination,because the art was made so that the viewer would be able to know exactly what the artist was trying to convey and there wasn’t necessarily a deeper meaning behind it.

Q. Which of the following is not a principle of Puritanism?

The correct answer is B. The Puritans believed that God chooses who would be saved and who would be chosen for eternal punishment ( hell ). A person could not anything to influence God’s choice, the choice was God’s alone. No amount of good deeds or hard work could contribute to someone’s salvation.

Q. What religion did Puritans believe?

The Puritans were members of a religious reform movement known as Puritanism that arose within the Church of England in the late 16th century. They believed the Church of England was too similar to the Roman Catholic Church and should eliminate ceremonies and practices not rooted in the Bible.

Q. What is the relationship between Puritanism and democracy?

Answer: Many of the Puritan colonies were established by people wishing to codify and unite religion with democracy (government) and the colonist were governed by members of the puritan populous.

Q. What are the Puritan laws?

Puritan law recognized the principle that no one should be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process. They also explicitly limited government power. Puritan law prohibited unlawful search and seizure, double jeopardy and compulsory self-incrimination.

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Which of the following is not a characteristic of Puritanism a Predestinationb Faithc original Sind salvation through good deeds?.
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