Which of the following would be defined as readily accessible?

Which of the following would be defined as readily accessible?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich of the following would be defined as readily accessible?

Response: In accordance with 29 CFR 1910.399, Readily accessible is defined as “capable of being reached quickly for operation, renewal, or inspections, without requiring those to whom ready access is requisite to climb over or remove obstacles or to resort to portable ladders, chairs, etc.” This definition, however.

Q. Who is a qualified person according to OSHA and NEC?

In addition to a competent person, some OSHA standards require certain employees be “qualified.” A qualified person is defined by OSHA as one who, “by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training and experience, has successfully demonstrated his …

Q. What is the NEC definition of a qualified person?

The term as defined in the 2011 NEC reads as follows: Qualified Person. One who has skills and knowledge related to the construction and operation of the electrical equipment and installations and has received safety training to recognize and avoid the hazards involved.

Q. When equipment is rendered inaccessible by the structure or finish of a building it is considered to be?

Cards In This Set

ConcealedRendered inaccessible by the structure or finish of the building. Conductors in a concealed raceway are considered concealed, even though they may become accessible by withdrawing them.

Q. When can you say that the wiring is accessible?

One of the most common applications for “readily accessible” occurs in 240.24(A), in which the NEC states that overcurrent devices must be readily accessible and installed so that the center of the grip of the operating handle of the switch or circuit breaker, when in its highest position, is not more than 6 feet, 7 …

Q. How important is the location of wirings?

When wirings are properly installed, wires are basically well tightened up and aligned in proper places. Some high voltage wirings are sealed in insulators to avoid accidents and unexpected electrocution.

Q. Why is correct electrical installation important in ones home?

Proper installation and maintenance is very important in both commercial and residential facilities. A faulty wiring that is not immediately given attention can result into a greater danger such as fire and electrocution. Hiring a qualified or certified electrician is crucial in proper installation and maintenance.

Q. What are the common problems in electrical installation?

Commonly Encountered Electrical Installation Problems

  • Insecure Wiring. The staples that hold your wiring in place need to be driven in to a fairly precise degree.
  • Wrong Wiring Sizes.
  • Improper Wire Length.
  • Unprotected Wiring.
  • Connections.

Q. Who is the person qualified?

A qualified person is one who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training and experience, has successfully demonstrated his ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project.

Q. How do you describe a qualified person?


  • accomplished.
  • capable.
  • efficient.
  • experienced.
  • knowledgeable.
  • licensed.
  • proficient.
  • talented.

Q. What is a different word for qualified?

What is another word for qualified?


Q. What is a qualified term?

Related Definitions Qualified Term means the actual term of a Qualified Lease, measured in months, (without regard to extension options). Qualified Term will not exceed 60 months.

Q. What is the same word as qualified?

SYNONYMS FOR qualified 1 able, capable, competent, fitted.

Q. What is another word for not qualified?

What is another word for not qualified?


Q. What does glanced mean?

1a : to take a quick look at something glanced at his watch. b of the eyes : to move swiftly from one thing to another. 2 : to strike a surface obliquely so as to go off at an angle The bullet glanced off the wall.

Q. What do you call someone with a lot of knowledge?

savant. noun. literary someone who has a lot of knowledge.

Q. How do you describe someone with a lot of knowledge?

Some possibilities include: professional, expert, seasoned, knowledgeable, proficient or simply experienced. In your case I would go with ‘seasoned’ as it forms a neat collocation: Several exhibitions are devoted to seasoned artists. Mr.

Q. What do you call someone who is intelligent?

Some common synonyms of intelligent are alert, clever, and quick-witted. While all these words mean “mentally keen or quick,” intelligent stresses success in coping with new situations and solving problems. an intelligent person could assemble it fast.

Q. What do you call someone who is hungry for knowledge?

inquisitiveness; eagerness to learn; thirst for knowledge; appetite for knowledge; desire to know; lust for learning.

Q. What do you call a person who loves math?

People who study math are called mathematicians, but if you are describing someone who particularly loves math, you could use something like mathematicaphile, or mathphile.

Q. What is a Synophile?

Filters. A person who loves canines; a dog lover. noun.

Q. What is Epistemophilia?

EPISTEMOPHILIA, noun: an excessive love of knowledge.

Q. What is the love of knowledge called?

: love of knowledge specifically : excessive striving for or preoccupation with knowledge.

Q. What do you call a person who loves science?

A person who loves science is a scholar to the forbidden nature of an industry, of scientific thought. Persons may be referred to by title, such as “Mr.,“ or “Ms.” Personally, I prefer the use of Spanish, by calling someone “senor,” or “senora.” You can also ingratiate the person, as a doctor or professor!

Q. What does Ultracrepidarian mean?

beyond the shoe

Q. What is the definition of a Ninnyhammer?

noun. a fool or simpleton; ninny.

Q. What does Muckspout mean?

a muckspout is someone who uses a lot of cursing.

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Which of the following would be defined as readily accessible?.
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