Which statement best explains why US cities became segregated by culture and ethnicity in the late 1800s and early 1900s? – Internet Guides
Which statement best explains why US cities became segregated by culture and ethnicity in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

Which statement best explains why US cities became segregated by culture and ethnicity in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich statement best explains why US cities became segregated by culture and ethnicity in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

Which of the following best explains why US cities became segregated by culture and ethnicity in the late 1800s and early 1900s? Immigrants formed communities when they were shunned elsewhere. City planners set aside neighborhoods for various ethnic groups.

Q. What is the relationship between urbanization and development?

A higher urbanization level means a higher level of economic development in general, which is similar to what has been reported in previous studies [16], [18], [19]. Moreover, economic growth shows a clear accelerating trend, while the growth in urbanization level increases in each 10% band by between 0% and 70%.

Q. How are urban growth and economic development connected?

Urban growth – the growth and decline of urban areas – as an economic phenomenon is inextricably linked with the process of urbanization. Urbanization itself has punctuated economic development. The spatial distribution of economic activity, measured in terms of population, output and income, is concentrated.

Q. What factors led towards the development of the major cities in the world give examples?

Some of the main factors that have led to grow of cities are: (i) Surplus Resources (ii) Industrialization and Commercialization (iii) Development of Transport and Communication (iv) Economic Pull of the City (v) Educational and Recreational Facilities.

Q. What led to the growth of towns?

Farmers were clearing forests and adopting better farming methods. As a result, they had a surplus of crops to sell in town markets. And because of these surpluses, not everyone had to farm to feed themselves. Another reason for the growth of towns was the revival of trade.

Q. What factors led to the growth of cities quizlet?

What led to the growth of cities was the German and Irish immigrants come to these cities and increased the population . How did the rapid growth of cities affect urban living conditions? Increased population caused spread of disease,and wild-fires because most buildings were made of wood.

Q. What factors have influenced the site and growth of cities quizlet?

-Improvements in agriculture and transportation,population growth, migration, economic development, and government policies influence urbanization. -World cities function at the top of the world’s urban hierarchy and drive globalization.

Q. Which problems did people in cities face quizlet?

They were unclean (filthy streets, poor sewers, poor drinking water), poor air, and fires were common.

Q. What was the main reason for poor living conditions in cities?

What was the main reason for poor living conditions in cities? Cities were not prepared for so many new workers. What was the biggest effect that new technology had on farm workers? Many workers lost their jobs.

Q. How did the Industrial Revolution impact living conditions?

Poor workers were often housed in cramped, grossly inadequate quarters. Working conditions were difficult and exposed employees to many risks and dangers, including cramped work areas with poor ventilation, trauma from machinery, toxic exposures to heavy metals, dust, and solvents.

Q. How did living conditions change in the industrial revolution?

The living conditions in the cities and towns were miserable and characterized by: overcrowding, poor sanitation, spread of diseases, and pollution. As well, workers were paid low wages that barely allowed them to afford the cost of living associated with their rent and food.

Q. What are the main problems associated with living in a big city?

The following are the main disadvantages of big city life:

  • High Cost of Living. The higher cost of living is the first disadvantage that people typically think of when considering moving to a city.
  • Noise.
  • Lack of Space.
  • Lack of Parking.
  • Higher Auto Insurance Premiums.
  • Higher Crime Rates.

Q. Does living in the city affect your health?

The detrimental effects of urban living on physical health have long been recognised, including higher rates of cardiovascular and respiratory disease. More recent, however, is the revelation that urban living can also have adverse effects on mental health.

Q. What is the advantages of living in the countryside?

The benefits and advantages of countryside and rural life can be clubbed under following heads: Relaxed and slow pace of life. Bigger houses and pollution free environment. Freedom from traffic congestion and overcrowded public transport.

Q. Do you think life in the countryside is more healthy?

Roy Harrison, professor of environmental health at the University of Birmingham, says it is “significantly healthier” to live in the countryside. He says research shows that air pollution is responsible for an average loss of life expectancy of six months across the UK and most of that is driven by urban populations.

Q. What is the healthiest place in the world to live?


Q. Do people live longer in cities or villages?

For years, studies have highlighted the dangers of pollution, stress and other factors typically associated with city living. New research indicates, however, that the average life expectancy for city dwellers actually exceeds that of their rural peers.

Q. What is the healthiest city to live in?

Main Findings

Overall RankCityFood
1San Francisco, CA1
2Seattle, WA6
3Portland, OR3
4San Diego, CA4

Q. What is the unhealthiest city in the world?

World’s 20 Unhealthiest Cities

  • Shanghai.
  • Hong Kong.
  • Chicago.
  • Tokyo.
  • Dublin.
  • Boston.
  • Mumbai.
  • Los Angeles.

Q. Where is the cleanest place to live?

Here is a list of five of the world’s cleanest cities:

  • #1: CALGARY. Calgary in Canada is the world’s cleanest city, and with a population of more than a million, that’s quite something.
  • #2: ZURICH.
  • #4: ADELAIDE.
  • #5: SINGAPORE.

Q. What country is the unhealthiest?

Czech Republic

Q. Who is the fittest country?

Finland and Uganda are the world’s fittest countries — here’s what they do to stay in shape. Finland and Uganda are the world’s fittest countries. People in both spots tend to like sports, and often make an effort to integrate movement into their daily life and chores.

Q. What is the healthiest cuisine in the world?

Travel to Eat: The Top 10 Healthiest Cuisines

  1. Greek. Greek food offers up most of the ingredients that make other Mediterranean region cuisines so healthy.
  2. 2. Japanese. The Japanese diet is rich in seafood and fresh vegetables.
  3. Mexican.
  4. Korean.
  5. Thai.
  6. Spanish.
  7. Italian.
  8. Indian.

Q. What is the fattest country?


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Which statement best explains why US cities became segregated by culture and ethnicity in the late 1800s and early 1900s?.
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