Which statement best summarizes the central idea of this passage in America?

Which statement best summarizes the central idea of this passage in America?

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Q. Which statement best summarizes the central idea of this passage in America?

Answer. The answer to this question is option B. The Union fought in the Civil War because they wanted to strengthen, perpetuate, and extend slavery. It is the statement that best summarizes the central idea in this excerpt.

Q. How did the seagull’s parents motivate him to fly?

Answer. seagulls mother and father uses many tactics to make him fly. they screamed ,scold him and at last they threatened to let him starve on the ledge. they made him envious by teaching his siblings how to fly and catch the prey.

Q. What did the seagull’s mother do?

What was the young seagull’s mother doing before him? Answer: The young seagull’s mother was standing on the plateau, her white breast thrust forward. She tore a piece of fish that lay at her feet, then she scrapped each side of her beak on the rock.

Q. Why did the mother halt all of a sudden?

Mother seagull wanted the young seagull to fly that’s why she halted. The mother seagull took a piece of food and didn’t come close to the seagull because she knew the sight of the food would madden him and he will try to come towards the food and he will then start moving and ultimately.

Q. Why did the sight of food maddened him?

Answer: The young seagull was very hungry. His mother had a piece of fish in her beak and she was teasing the young seagull with it. Because the sight of the food “maddened” him, he wanted to snatch it from his mother.

Q. What was his family doing on the plateau?

➡The mother of the young seagull was sitting on the plateau and eating a piece of fish in order to lure her son. This was her trick or trap her son to come to her for food and for that he would have to fly. The young seagull was afraid to fly but his hunger and his mother’s trick worked…..

Q. What was Seagull’s family doing when he failed to attract their attention?

Answer: To receive his mother’s attention, the young Seagull pretended that he is falling asleep. He didn’t dare to give an attempt to fly and at the same time, he was feeling very hungry too. He wanted his family to avoid his practice of flying and so he pretended that he was falling asleep.

Q. Why did his family taunt him?

Answer. The whole family taunted the young seagull so that he can gather some courage and make his attempt to learn to fly. Because the young seagull was feeling afraid he was not able to learn to fly. All the younger siblings of the young seagull had learned to fly, it was only he who was left to learn.

Q. Why did he close his eyes one?

This is because he was afraid of falling down. The mother gull realized that the need to fly would make the little one do so. She took a piece of fish and started approaching him. …

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Which statement best summarizes the central idea of this passage in America?.
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