Which subatomic particle has highest charge to mass ratio?

Which subatomic particle has highest charge to mass ratio?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich subatomic particle has highest charge to mass ratio?


Q. What is the charge to mass ratio of electron?

Charge by Mass Ratio of an Electron = 1.602 10-19 coulombs.

Q. Which particle has lowest charge to mass ratio?


Q. What is the charge to mass ratio of alpha particle?

Alpha particle is a helium nucleus that comprises two protons and two neutrons, and the charge is twice the charge of the proton while the mass is around four times greater. Mass of helium = 4m….Thank you.

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Q. Which has highest E m value?

Thus if q is perpendicular, ti experiences force and follows parabolic path and largest derivation of D is seen,thus me​ is max.

Q. Which particle has constant charge to mass ratio for all matter?


Q. Why is the charge mass ratio of anode rays not constant?

Theatoms break down into negatively charged particles and positively charged particles. The different gases have different types of positive rays,that contain particles of different mass and charge. Therefore, the charge to mass ratio of anode depends on the gas. This ratio is not constant.

Q. Why E M ratio of cathode rays is constant?

It is equal to the ratio of e/m for an electron. This is because cathode rays consist of electrons. The e/m ratio does not depend on the type of gas filled in the discharge tube. For only the cathode rays, the constituent particle always remains the same that is why the ratio is the same.

Q. Is E M ratio of proton constant?

e/m ratio of protons is not constant.

Q. Is charge to mass ratio of proton constant?

This means 1Kg of matter contains a maximum of 95698925 coulombs of positive charge. This constant is approximately equal to a proton mass to charge ratio. It is also approximately equal to a plank mass. This constant applies to all matter.

Q. What is the value of e/m for Proton?

A similar calculation for the proton, with charge e = 1.6 x 10-19 Coulomb and e / M = 9.6 x 107C/kg leads to a value of 1.67 x 10-27 kg for the mass of a proton.

Q. Which is the correct statement about Proton?

Option (c) is the right answer. Proton is an ionised hydrogen atom. : According to the sources of chemistry the Ionised hydrogen is termed to be positively charged. : This happens when a hydrogen atom will lose one of it’s electron and hereby is left with only one proton.

Q. Who discovered Proton?

Ernest Rutherford

Q. Which statement is correct a volume of proton is approximately?

(a) Volume of proton is approximately (-4/3 nr) = 1.5×10-38 cm3.

Q. What is the mass and charge of Proton?

Proton, stable subatomic particle that has a positive charge equal in magnitude to a unit of electron charge and a rest mass of 1.67262 × 10−27 kg, which is 1,836 times the mass of an electron. …

Q. Which of the following has e M ratio?

Option (c) is the correct answer. The e/m ratio of an alpha particle is similar to deuterium. The e/m ratio of an alpha particle is 4.82245111 x 10^7 C/kg.

Q. What is the E by M ratio of alpha particle?

e/m for electron is 1/0 (as electron has negligible mass), for proton is 1/1, for neutron is 0/1, and for alpha particle is 2/4 or 1/2.

Q. How do you find the H+ Em ratio?

so, the e/m ratio becomes:

  1. D+=e2m.
  2. H+=em.
  3. He+=e4m.
  4. He2+=2e4m.

Q. What is the E M ratio of H+?

For H atom the charge is 0 so e/m ratio will be 0 whereas for ; the value of e is 1 and mass is also 1.

Q. Which gas has highest E M ratio?


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Which subatomic particle has highest charge to mass ratio?.
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