Which syllable of the word records is accented?

Which syllable of the word records is accented?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich syllable of the word records is accented?

Q. Which syllable of the word records is accented?

REcord is the noun, so the stress is on the first syllable. … And reCORD is the verb, so the stress is on the second syllable.

Q. What word is applaud?

intransitive verb. : to express approval especially by clapping the hands The audience applauded at the end of the performance. transitive verb. 1 : to express approval of : praise I applaud her efforts to lose weight.

Q. How many syllables are in appreciation?

5 syllables

Q. What part of speech is applauded?

intransitive verb

Q. What is the verb of scold?

(Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. : to censure usually severely or angrily : rebuke.

Q. What is the difference between applause and applaud?

is that applause is the act of applauding; approbation and praise publicly expressed by the clapping of hands, stamping or tapping of the feet, acclamation, huzzas, or other means; marked commendation while applaud is (obsolete) applause; applauding.

Q. How do you applaud?

You can applaud by clapping your hands at a performance, or you can applaud with just your mouth, as when you tell someone “I applaud your decision to start exercising.” The verb applaud goes back to the Latin verb applaudere, “to clap,” and it came into English use in the 15th century.

Q. How do you use applause in a sentence?

Applause sentence example

  1. There was great applause when the speaker sat down.
  2. The parade, with its smiles, applause , and balloons, was over in a half hour.
  3. In 15 70 he sustained no fewer than three hundred and eighteen theses at a disputation in Mantua, with such applause that the duke made him court theologian.

Q. Is applauses a word?

noun ovation, praise, cheering, cheers, approval, acclaim, clapping, accolade, big hand, commendation, hand-clapping, approbation, acclamation, eulogizing, plaudit They greeted him with thunderous applause.

Q. What does Bravo mean?

: a shout of approval —often used interjectionally in applauding a performance. bravo. verb. bra·​vo | / ˈbrä-(ˌ)vō , brä-ˈvō /

Q. What does applause mean in English?

1 : marked commendation : acclaim the kind of applause every really creative writer wants— Robert Tallant. 2 : approval publicly expressed (as by clapping the hands) a round of applause.

Q. What is the meaning of applauses?

noun. hand clapping as a demonstration of approval, appreciation, acclamation, or the like. any positive expression of appreciation or approval; acclamation.

Q. What is the meaning of convert?

to change (something) into a different form or properties; transmute; transform. to cause to adopt a different religion, political doctrine, opinion, etc.: to convert the heathen.

Q. What means apologize?

intransitive verb. : to express regret for something done or said : to make an apology He apologized for his mistake. She apologized to us for losing her temper.

Q. What does cheering mean?

A shout of approval, encouragement, or congratulation: a remark that drew cheers from the crowd. b. A short, rehearsed jingle or phrase, shouted in unison by a squad of cheerleaders. 2. Comfort or encouragement: a message of cheer.

Q. How do you describe someone cheering?

Here are some adjectives for cheering: ragged, halfhearted, much gratis, welcome and fair, brief and bleary, mighty jovial, comfortable good, full-throated british, excellent and very delicate, loud british, ragged and spontaneous, hideous good, loud but hasty, certain glum, deceptive good, rousing british, hoarse …

Q. What can I say instead of Cheers?

What is another word for cheers?

chin-chingood health
good luckyour health

Q. What does cheered mean?

to give a loud shout of approval or encouragement: Everyone cheered as the winners received their medals.

Q. Is Cheered a real word?

verb (used with object) to gladden or cause joy to; inspire with cheer (often followed by up): The good news cheered her. to encourage or incite: She cheered him on when he was about to give up.

Q. What type of speech is cheered?


part of speech:noun
part of speech:interjection
definition:(pl.) an expression used as a toast. Cheers! To your health! synonyms: prosit, skoal
part of speech:transitive verb
inflections:cheers, cheering, cheered

Q. What type of verb is cheered?

2[transitive] cheer somebody [usually passive] to give hope, comfort, or encouragement to someone She was cheered by the news from home.

Q. Is Cheered a saying verb?

The prince was cheered by a 10,000-strong audience. Everyone around me was cheering wildly….cheer ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌

present tense
present participlecheering
past tensecheered
past participlecheered
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Which syllable of the word records is accented?.
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