Which two themes are conveyed by this passage?

Which two themes are conveyed by this passage?

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Q. Which two themes are conveyed by this passage?

The two themes conveyed are the glory of nature and of a young hero’s death, and the color of summer and memories of war.

Q. Where Does My Antonia take place?


Q. Who are the main characters in My Antonia?

Ántonia Shimerda

Q. What is the identity of the main character Ántonia?

Jim Burden As a youth in Nebraska, Jim develops a close friendship with a Bohemian immigrant girl, Ántonia Shimerda. Jim is an intelligent, introspective young man who responds strongly to the land and the environment in which he lives.

Q. What does Antonia symbolize?

Ántonia as a Symbol She symbolizes the freedom and beauty of the natural landscape in Nebraska. If Ántonia represents natural beauty to the young Jim, then she represents the grandeur of the past to the older, narrator Jim.

Q. Who is Wick Cutter in My Antonia?

Jim describes the Cutters as a detestable Black Hawk couple, generally loathed by the populace: Wick Cutter is a devious moneylender who makes his money by manipulating farmers into accepting unwise loans, and Mrs. Cutter is a hideous shrew.

Q. Why does Antonia leave the Harlings?

Why does Antonia leave the Harlings? She brought trouble to the household and Mr. Harling told her to stop going to the dancing tent and Antonia didn’t like it.

Q. How does Wick Cutter die?

Wick Cutter is another character who commits suicide in the novel, and he does it by fatally wounding himself after he has shot his wife to death. Cutter is attempting to subvert a law that would have allowed his wife’s family to inherit his estate.

Q. What is the theme of My Antonia?

Innocence and Maturity. On the prairie, Jim and Ántonia’s friendship is uncomplicated by the experiences and prejudices of adulthood. Though they come from different backgrounds and social classes and are members of the opposite sex, they are too young for these differences to matter.

Q. Why is Willa Cather important?

Willa Cather, in full Wilella Sibert Cather, (born December 7, 1873, near Winchester, Virginia, U.S.—died April 24, 1947, New York City, New York), American novelist noted for her portrayals of the settlers and frontier life on the American plains. “O Pioneers!”

Q. When was my Antonia set?

19th century

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Which two themes are conveyed by this passage?.
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