Which type of rock is most likely to contain fossils?

Which type of rock is most likely to contain fossils?

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Q. Which type of rock is most likely to contain fossils?

sedimentary rock

Q. In what type of rock are ripple marks often preserved?

The upper few centimetres of fine clay may have accumulated over a few hundred years. Ripples, which are associated with the formation of cross-bedding, may be preserved on the surfaces of sedimentary beds. Ripples can also help to determine flow direction as they tend to have their steepest surface facing down flow.

Q. In what type of rock we can only see fossils?

sedimentary rocks

Q. Which type of sedimentary rock is most likely to contain fossils quizlet?

Sedimentary rock

Q. Which rock layer is probably oldest?

The bottom layer of rock forms first, which means it is oldest. Each layer above that is younger, and the top layer is youngest of all. This ordering is relative because you cannot be sure exactly when each layer formed, only that each layer is younger then the one below it.

Q. Which is the most recently formed rock?

An astonishing new rock formation has been revealed in the Colorado Rockies, and it exists in a deeply perplexing relationship with older rocks. Named the Tava sandstone, this sedimentary rock forms intrusions within the ancient granites and gneisses that form the backbone of the Front Range.

Q. What is the youngest geologic feature?

The principle of cross-cutting relationships states that a fault or intrusion is younger than the rocks that it cuts through. The fault cuts through all three sedimentary rock layers (A, B, and C) and also the intrusion (D). So the fault must be the youngest feature.

Q. Where is metamorphic rock most likely to be found?

These conditions are most often found either deep in Earth’s crust or at plate boundaries where tectonic plates collide. In order to create metamorphic rock, it is vital that the existing rock remain solid and not melt. If there is too much heat or pressure, the rock will melt and become magma.

Q. How do you know if a rock is metamorphic?

Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have become changed by intense heat or pressure while forming. One way to tell if a rock sample is metamorphic is to see if the crystals within it are arranged in bands. Examples of metamorphic rocks are marble, schist, gneiss, and slate.

Q. What causes wavy bands of light and dark minerals?

Wavy bands of dark minerals visible in gneiss bedrock probably formed from the (1) cementing together of individual mineral grains (2) cooling and crystallization of magma (3) evaporation of an ancient ocean (4) heat and pressure during metamorphism.

Q. What type of rock is shale?

Q. Where is shale found in the US?

Numerous deposits of oil shale, ranging from Precambrian to Tertiary age, are present in the United States. The two most important deposits are in the Eocene Green River Formation in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah and in the Devonian-Mississippian black shales in the eastern United States.

Q. Is shale harder than limestone?

Appearance of Limestone is Rough and Banded and that of Shale is Muddy. Properties of rock is another aspect for Limestone vs Shale. The hardness of Limestone is 3-4 and that of Shale is 3.

Q. What is shale rock good for?

Shale has many commercial uses. It is a source material in the ceramics industry to make brick, tile, and pottery. Shale used to make pottery and building materials requires little processing besides crushing and mixing with water. Crushing shale and heating it with limestone makes cement for the construction industry.

Q. How can you tell the difference between shale and slate?

Main Differences Between Shale and Slate

  1. Slate is soft, whereas Shale is hard as shale undergoes a metamorphosis.
  2. Shale is a sedimentary rock, and Slate is a metamorphic rock, but both are fine-grained.
  3. Shale looks dull, and Slate looks shiny when observed in daylight.

Q. Is sand a stone?

Sandstone is a sedimentary rock composed of sand-size grains of mineral, rock, or organic material. It also contains a cementing material that binds the sand grains together and may contain a matrix of silt- or clay-size particles that occupy the spaces between the sand grains.

Q. What type of rock is sand?

Q. Which rock is sand stone?


Q. What does a basalt rock look like?

Basalt is usually dark grey to black in colour, due to its high content of augite or other dark-coloured pyroxene minerals, but can exhibit a wide range of shading. Some basalts are quite light-coloured due to a high content of plagioclase, and these are sometimes described as leucobasalts.

Q. What rock is granite?

igneous rock

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