Which version of the sentence below most clearly describes an unexpected disappointment 5 points?

Which version of the sentence below most clearly describes an unexpected disappointment 5 points?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich version of the sentence below most clearly describes an unexpected disappointment 5 points?

Q. Which version of the sentence below most clearly describes an unexpected disappointment 5 points?

Answer: The version of the sentence below that most clearly describes an unexpected disappointment is The news hit me like a punch, knocking the breath from my body and forcing me to sit down and pant.

Q. What does Empass mean?

1a : a predicament affording no obvious escape. b : deadlock. 2 : an impassable road or way : cul-de-sac. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More about impasse.

Q. How do you use impasse?

Impasse in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Yesterday, the two parties did not make any progress on the contract terms because they had reached an impasse.
  2. Because of the impasse between workers and management, the factory has been closed for two weeks.

Q. How do you spell impasse?

Correct spelling for the English word “impasse” is [ɪmpˈas], [ɪmpˈas], [ɪ_m_p_ˈa_s] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for IMPASSE

  1. impulse,
  2. impairs,
  3. impasto,
  4. imposed,
  5. impacted,
  6. impossible,
  7. imposes,
  8. impassable,

Q. What does impasse mean in negotiations?


Q. What does political impasse mean?

A situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; a deadlock. ‘the current political impasse’

Q. How do you use the word impasse in a sentence?

(1) The political process is at an impasse. (2) Negotiations seemed to have reached an impasse. (3) Negotiations have reached an impasse. (4) The government had reached an impasse.

Q. What is the opposite of impasse?

stalemate deadlock standstill situation dead end. Antonyms. rejection.

Q. What is an impasse in mediation?

Impasse occurs in mediation when neither party is willing to compromise any further on an issue. When parties reach impasse, they’re likely to regard it as the end of negotiations. To break through impasse, you must first ask each party diagnostic questions.

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Which version of the sentence below most clearly describes an unexpected disappointment 5 points?.
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