Which waves cause particles to move back and forth?

Which waves cause particles to move back and forth?

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Q. Which waves cause particles to move back and forth?

Explain that earthquake waves move particles of material in different ways: whereas, compressional waves create a back and forth motion parallel to the direction of the waves, shear waves create a back and forth motion perpendicular to the direction of the waves. 4.

Q. What causes rock to move both up and down from side to side?

Seismic wave that squeezes and pulls rocks in the same direction that the wave travels, causing rock particles to move back and forth. Seismic wave that moves in two directions as it passes through rocks, causing the ground to move both up and down and from side to side.

Q. Which body waves cause rock to move at right angles in the direction in which the waves are traveling?

Because they are deflected by the earth’s core, P waves are not seen in the so-called shadow-zone. The slowest body waves are secondary, or “S” waves. S waves are elastic shear waves that move material sideways, at right angles to their direction of travel.

Q. Are Love waves the slowest?

Love waves can also cause horizontal shearing of the ground. They usually travel slightly faster than Rayleigh waves, at a speed that is usually about 10% slower than S-waves, but like S-waves, they cannot spread through water. Love waves are particularly damaging to the foundations of structures.

Q. How fast is a love wave?

10,000 miles per hour

Q. What is the other name of L waves?

In seismology, several types of surface waves are encountered. Surface waves, in this mechanical sense, are commonly known as either Love waves (L waves) or Rayleigh waves. A seismic wave is a wave that travels through the Earth, often as the result of an earthquake or explosion.

Q. What is the L wave?

The L waves travel along the surface of the earth from the point directly above the quake or epicenter. Love (L) waves are shear waves where the shearing (back and forth) motion, is confined to a horizontal plane at the Earth’s surface.

Q. What is the significance of L wave?

An L wave in pulse wave Doppler and M mode echocardiography represents continued pulmonary vein mid diastolic flow through the left atrium in to LV across mitral valve after early rapid filling.

Q. What is PS and L waves?

P waves travel fastest and are the first to arrive from the earthquake. The different S waves arrive after the P waves. The slowest (and latest to arrive on seismograms) are surface waves, such as the L wave. L waves are named for the Cambridge mathematician A.E.H. Love who first described them.

Q. What is the speed of L wave?

Love Waves The speed at which a dispersive wave travels depends on the wave’s period. In general, earthquakes generate Love waves over a range of periods from 1000 to a fraction of a second, and each period travels at a different velocity but the typical range of velocities is between 2 and 6 km/second.

Q. How long does it take as wave to travel 8000 km?

Approximately 11 minutes and 20 seconds

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Which waves cause particles to move back and forth?.
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