Who bought Waxie Sanitary Supply?

Who bought Waxie Sanitary Supply?

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Q. Who bought Waxie Sanitary Supply?

FEMSA to acquire majority stake in merged Waxie-North American supply company. Fomento Económico Mexicano SAV de CV, or FEMSA, announced March 9 that it agreed to invest $900 million in Waxie Sanitary Supply and North American Corp. for a majority stake in the merged company.

Q. How do you buy waxie products?

Request Account to Order Products Online from shop.waxie.com

  1. View our digitial flipbook product catalog here.
  2. Order products directly from customer service (800) 995-4466.

Q. What company owns waxie?

WAXIE’s Enterprises, Inc./Parent organizations

Q. Is waxie publicly traded?

North American and WAXIE are highly complementary businesses with little overlap in existing customers and geographies. A publicly traded company on the NYSE (FMX) and BMV (FEMSAUBD), FEMSA’s mission is to drive both economic and social value through its businesses.

Q. What does waxie mean?

Filters. (Ireland, dated, Dublin) Cobbler. noun.

Q. What is a waxie?

Q. Where is Waxie in Salt Lake City Utah?

WAXIE is the true single source for all of your maintenance, sanitary and janitorial supplies in Salt Lake City, Utah. 5107 West 1730 South. Salt Lake City, UT 84104. Phone: (801) 886-3700.

Q. Where are the Waxie sanitary supply inventory centers?

WAXIE Sanitary Supply has 23 Inventory Centers strategically situated in nine Western states. Each Inventory Center carries a full supply of sanitary products, janitor supplies and equipment to quickly and efficiently meet your sanitary maintenance needs.

Q. What kind of cleaning equipment does Waxie use?

WAXIE has partnered with the cleaning industries leading equipment manufacturers, Advance, NSS and Windsor and offers a full line of industry leading commercial vacuums, extractors, scrubbers, floor machines and specialty cleaning machines designed to increase your facilities cleaning productivity.

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Who bought Waxie Sanitary Supply?.
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